Nothing good comes out of an authoritarian government, the little people suffer and the elites fatten themselves with greed and power. I fought in Vietnam, 54 years ago, got wounded. So I know who fights the battles, the little people. Sooner or later under a Fascist takeover, John needs to a side.
War Is A Racket, Gnl Butler. Recently footage of his talk of a coup attempt in the states he was asked to lead, in the movie Amsterdam. I think they just won the class war, they think.
Daniel Berrigan was a great man.”But how shall we educate men to goodness, to a sense of one another, to a love of the truth? And more urgently, how shall we do this in a bad time?” Time (January 25, 1971) This quote seems quite prescient or we just keep making the same horrible mistakes over again!
It’s all fear and insecurity in those with the money and/or power, deep seated or on the surface, assuaging themselves through control of others. A forced misery loves company type thing. Then there’s the lack of information either given or sought. This cycle should be broken.
Unfortunately life is full of cowards who can't function without chaos drama.Narcissists some sociopathic but it's the histrionic PD that is the exhaustion.They have to create the chaos to breath.The narcissist thinks we love them and the chaos they bring we need to love,support them.Sociopath FUBAR
Most people have heard of the concept of the "Village Idiot".
It's time to start realizing our society has devolved to the point of it actually being that we live in a nation of idiots and those average or above in intelligence are now the "Village Sane Person".
Individually, we believe we can affect change. When you think you are successful, in another administration they are reversed. Schumer’s capitulation to McConnell hit my soul
I’ve been attaching the George Carlin commentary- “it’s a big club and you ain’t in it” .
The parallels are striking with Trump's campaign promises and their Project 2025.
"There is more to be feared from stupidity than evil."
Despite its glaring flaws (where and how he died), I cannot recommend more highly the new movie, Bonhoeffer, to understand the mood and motivation of Nazi Germany before the Third Reich. The better get used to hearing #BernieWasRight a lot.
It's time to start realizing our society has devolved to the point of it actually being that we live in a nation of idiots and those average or above in intelligence are now the "Village Sane Person".
I’ve been attaching the George Carlin commentary- “it’s a big club and you ain’t in it” .
"There is more to be feared from stupidity than evil."