That would be the CommieDemParty. What media have you relied on? Unplug frm t regimemedia who lie to U 24/7 about both sides of the aisle& U don’t even see it.
em, no one likes an asshole. you could just change your ways and become beneficial to humanity and the earth. in the direction you are going fed by your own fear, greed and ego you are the villain !!!
Why yes. Musk always has been a Nazi. Big Eugenics fan. There were many rumors Trump's pappy was a Nazi. He was certainly a racist fuck. If you thought Trump was cool back in the 80s, trust me, I thought you were a racist tool who even Barbara Walters picked apart. Decimated him.
May that filthy fucking Nazi puke get the wall he deserves pronto and may it hurt like a motherfucker as he gets it. Fuck him. Fuck his boss. Fuck his ilk. Fuck his fan club. By any means necessary.
Tesla sales dropped 76% in Germany. Musk is universally unpopular around the world now. It’s a beautiful thing to witness. I hope he loses every dime he’s stolen.
For people younger than me, he’s the judge who presided over the Nuremberg Trials. A lot of Nazis were hung. Unfortunately a few committed suicide before they faced the hangman.
/actual German
Passive will not save anyone.
You have no money when you are dead! 🤔