Dear Canada, if saying ‘sorry’ burned calories, the U.S. would be the fittest country on Earth right now. Apologies for the chaos, and please don’t unfriend us.
Add Palantir to the list. Peter Theil is not to be forgotten in all of this. Oracle and Amazon as well. All of the tech Oligarchy need a wakeup call for the damage they are doing to good hard working people
I've destroyed my Meta accounts, Amazon everything - including my Fire TV and tablet, boycotting Tesla, deleted PayPal, and don't shop at Target. I don't even miss them
Kudos to you. I have done the same. Touching grass and shopping local supporting local and doing my part by getting back to community involvement where the impact is tangeable and relatable vs lining the pockets of billionaires and foreign investors.
seriously one of the best thing about Bluesky is the bazillion of us who were inadvertent casualties of the misdirected block list on the hell site can see your posts again!
On Weds, March 19 at 8:30p ET join filmmaker and activist and other amazing special guests for a most excellent adventure! We'll celebrate the achievements won by grassroots #teslatakedown activists and share our next bodacious goal:
In Spokane, we have Tesla Tuesdays. We stand outside the Tesla dealership and protest. We get a lot of hateful people coming by in their diesel trucks flipping us off. We are not backing down. I was even threatened with violence. But the coward walked away when I smiled.
This is yesterday’s group.
Great job! 👍🍷
We do Saturdays and Monday afternoons - but it's a heck of a lot easier here in Portland, OR. Lots of positive honks, some Tesla drivers even give us a thumbs up 😂
At the #TeslaTakedown in St. Pete Saturday there were at least 10 thumbs up for each middle finger. And the most support came from those driving work trucks, like lawn maintenance/construction/delivery. We had a strong showing with ~130 protesting.
Just a spitball, but I think attacking Tesla will be a problem as long as it is a tentpole stock in alot of people's 401k. They might not even know it, when the stock is buried in Mutual Funds, Indexes or other financial vehicles.
This may not be clear cut red/blue issue
PS: I'm not a finance guy
This is what they will use to install martial law 😔 when E posts he knows exactly how he’s manipulating his team to attack. Especially when he posts names.
E watched his mom suffer physical abuse from his dad.It does have longterm psychological repercussions(don’t use his name in posts searchable)
I agree it’s time to stand up, just not with violence and I’m a fan of stealth. Not that anything posted is stealth lol
They’ve had a lot of time to plan this out, so trying to get ahead of it is challenging. There’s a gap for a digital task team with bot wranglers and doge zappers.
Unfortunately, it is the only word that accurately describes him. Saying he is mentally challenged just doesn't convey the message as strongly. Sort of the same difference between peacefully protesting Tesla and fire bombing their service centers.
1. The CEO is a Nazi
2. The CEO is breaking American institutions
3. The CEO is a lying sociopath who thinks empathy is evil.
4. The CEO is afraid of women, so he turns to misogyny.
5. The CEO uses his children as shields so he doesn't get assassinated.
Let’s turn this into takedown trump
The singularly most dangerous thing Elon leverages is Star Link, btw. Think about it. We should burn that next.
It would suck if so many people went to protest Orange Turd in your turf
Or bring out signs that say "F*ck Trump"
That would just be soooo sad 🤷♀️🚨
This is yesterday’s group.
We do Saturdays and Monday afternoons - but it's a heck of a lot easier here in Portland, OR. Lots of positive honks, some Tesla drivers even give us a thumbs up 😂
When my son, who’s 21, and I were walking back to our car, one of the big trucks drove by and yelled, “QUEER!”
My son yelled back, “THANK YOU!”
This may not be clear cut red/blue issue
PS: I'm not a finance guy
E watched his mom suffer physical abuse from his dad.It does have longterm psychological repercussions(don’t use his name in posts searchable)
Are we supposed to cower in fear and beg them to not hurt us or lie about us? Think that will work? It hasn't so far.
It's time to fight back.
They’ve had a lot of time to plan this out, so trying to get ahead of it is challenging. There’s a gap for a digital task team with bot wranglers and doge zappers.
This whole time I thought you were one of those parody accounts that just churns out good stuff in the name of famous people. 😅
Fuck yeah bud.
What are the top 5 reasons you're protesting Tesla?
2. The CEO is breaking American institutions
3. The CEO is a lying sociopath who thinks empathy is evil.
4. The CEO is afraid of women, so he turns to misogyny.
5. The CEO uses his children as shields so he doesn't get assassinated.
We’re with you and you’re with us in onward we go!
Great job tonight. I finally got on, on my friends login.
Love from Denmark