Yes, as he sold his majority shares of the company to Microsoft - so again, he got the money not from selling art directly, but by setting up and selling an art-producing company that has earned almost all of its money without him anywhere near it.
Possibly, but that's not really the point here - you asked what if someone made a billion from a piece of art they made, but that's not actually what happens with especially games. Even solo projects turn into collective efforts as soon as they earn enough to hire more people.
sorry, yeah I think maybe the point I wanted to make was about whether good people can make a billion dollars without causing harm in the world, and it seems possible to me? (which is good news for the good people, I hope more of them do)
And the money is funneled not to those who make art, but those who own the companies - which sometimes may overlap, but typically even that isn't the case for long
yes more artists should start & own companies. I want art to exist & I want the money to go to the people who make it & distribute it & package it & make it available to me
And I'm honestly not arguing that earning money by creating and subsequently owning a company is necessarily a bad thing, but it is very much different from earning it purely by your own efforts and I don't think it's feasible to become a billionaire through your own effort alone like you suggested.