"What’s the dumbest thing you ever got in trouble at school for?"
Wearing civvies (bondage trews, leather jacket, etc) on last day of school on "wear your civvies for charity day". Seven of us got suspended and walked 17mi home.
Wearing civvies (bondage trews, leather jacket, etc) on last day of school on "wear your civvies for charity day". Seven of us got suspended and walked 17mi home.
Reposted from
Quoth the Ewa "Ravenmore."
Paperclip chain
The headteacher seemed quite bemused at the situation and sent me back to class.
In hindsight, I think that particular teacher was a bit of a religious nut.
He took my yawn as one of a lack of interest; and I got a bollocking for it? Calm your tits down man, I was tired
Or possibly sniffing Tippex Thinner.
Neither of these things were very clever 😆
Working out for myself (because I watched weather probably!) that negative numbers existed
Oh and not being able to spell because for third year of junior school
“I missed the lake and hit your car, sir…”
Except we hadn't.
My friend and I had only gone into town for chips, and somebody spread a rumour.
When we got back, we were hauled in to see the Deputy Head and suspended for an uncommitted crime.