"Jack Daniel’s parent company says Canada pulling booze off shelves is even worse than tariffs"
What did they expect and why on earth would anyone wish to tariff our allies?
What did they expect and why on earth would anyone wish to tariff our allies?
A five second Google search will show you this isn't real.
I wouldn't trust a word in this meme
Friends don't help Friends become Morons
seriously, why do people post shit without checking? Trying to make everyone here look as stupid as MAGAts?
But the county Louisville is in, voted decisively for Harris 57.4% to 40.9%
The meme is mostly very misleading
that's the sort of shit we bash MAGA for
Why give up an integrity advantage
Recently some have taken to posting a Jefferson meme based on something Jefferson never said, or would have said
Boo-Freaking-Hoo Tennessee or Kentucky or wherever this gut rot is made...
Facts matter.
This will not end until Trump and his cronies are out of office.
The worst is yet to come.
Christian Nationalist cult are not of sound mind ..they are brainwashed by years and years of Christianity
Zero fucks given for any who did.
In fact, they all deserve EXACTLY what they hoped Trump would do to immigrants and minorities and to anyone else they don’t like.
They deserve nothing less. And they should get it.
-Latino witness Children in cages from 2017-2020 and
voted for trump
-Trump imposed Muslim ban and yet pro-Palestinian voted for him or a third party.
This is why black folks should continue not to participate.
You’re asking for it
Morons post crap without being sure they aren't helping to make more morons
Morons care nothing about integrity, but most sane people do.
Not selfish morons