Look he seems like a terrible person, I get it. But his death will change nothing. Whatever evil he would have carried out will inevitably be carried out just as much by his successor. His death will do no one good.
There are better ways to deal with this sort of thing that don't involve stepping down to violence. Ways that could actually have a real effect on the root cause.
There's a better way? What's that, voting blue? Violence is done to us by them every day, but when one of us does violence back it's unacceptable? Sometimes violence is not only necessary but morally just.
Violence is not acceptable either way, unless absolutely necessary. It can be morally just but only if it's needed. As I have said, his death will bring no change and as such isn't necessary and thus not just.
It's important that we do not fall off our position at the high ground. It will give them a gift to use against us if we do. They will say, "Look at them advocating for murder. Do you trust them?" Being morally superior is one of the best weapons we have. People will tend to side with such people.