There IS a wealth tax in France(FORMER ALLY?of Republican Oligarchy USA)adapted to apply to real estate:"Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilier"
Most pay into social services (broadest sense)"social charges"&taxes&there are good protections&respect for workers
It was either that or dust off the guillotines sitting in storage. Just taxing the ultra rich seems like a more modern & moderate solution in that context.
The New Deal did one thing more than it did anything else. It put the people to work. Reaganomics in the form of privatization took 13 US billionaires & just shy of a trillion dollar National Debt & 45 years later 800 US billionaires & a 36 trillion dollar National Debt.
All human beings on Earth deserve a full warm belly every day. All human beings on Earth deserve to have a warm, dry, and safe place to sleep every night. The billionaire class and their millionaire minions owe it to all of us and the planet itself, to make that happen. Period!
I have a petition is at I call it: An Amendment to the US Constitution, Checks and Balances. Here is the link. Add to that recall petitions across the country.
eh, plenty of corruption on both sides, I think. at least that's the case here in Canada. Lobbying must be made illegal and politicians should get paid more, but not be allowed to trade in any commodities, hold any stocks etc..
Since the 1980s. the R party has pushed away laws which did disallow lobbying, and bribery and so forth. Citizen's United made "Dark" money legal - money that doesn't have a "source". We had laws on the books which did exactly what you suggest - we can have them again, but can we keep them...
This isn’t going to be enacted. It was a preliminary vote where the right wing members abstained. They won’t do that in future votes so it will never pass.
This is our problem. We finance them with our endless spending. Trade, barter, share, shop second hand stores and stop endless spending starve these shitbag oligarchs to oblivion. They only understand money so give them as little of your hard earned money as possible!!!
They’re actually on their 5th iteration of the revolution, IIRC. The first revolution was 1789-1799. “Les Mis” story culminates in the June Paris Uprising of 1832 (an event that history have forgot without the book being written).
Yeah. Heads have literally rolled in France for allowing the greed of the few to ignore the strength of the many. How many Russians are ready to pay trump €5 million for USA citizenship? Just asking.
Well, see, in 1793, the French people used the guillotine to solve that little pesky 'the rich don't want to pay taxes' shit. America hasn't done that..... Yet....
The French are the OG revolutionary eat-the-rich movement—literally. While the rest of the world was writing strongly worded letters, they were sharpening guillotines and asking, ‘Cake? What cake?’” 🍰
Never thought about moving to France…..sure am now….any recs for a good bank over there that will deposit a Social Security check with automatic deposit..?
wish my country would as well and then imposed heavy embargos on countries that act as tax heavens for the filthy filthy rich. yes I'm looking at you Andorra, Monaco, Cayman islands etc.. etc.. etc..
Most pay into social services (broadest sense)"social charges"&taxes&there are good protections&respect for workers
France is run for the people,by the...
Republicans roared, “Noooo!” to each question.
The House and Senate versions will undergo the reconciliation process. Unfortunately, a version of the ugly bill will eventually pass.
Only a pity they didn't break out the guillotine