Horrifically the answer to most things in this country, including the damn electoral college, is slavery. We must accept that this country was built on the backs of slaves and geocode.
We don't have a few bad apples; we have a bad tree.
Policing in America was born broken and for some strange reason we pride ourselves on not fixing it.
Police are so ingrained into our collective psyche in the U.S. that we actually believe our society would crumble without them.
Non-violent alternatives to policing are the future, like Crisis Intervention and Violence Interruptors to name a few. What else can we do to replace police over time?
The left just keeps coming up with reasons to ignore who fought to keep slavery. Southern Democrats supporting the continuation and expansion of slavery. = Civil War
DEMOCRATS wanted easy profits of the backs of blacks.
Biden openly displayed his racism on the senate floor.
Oregon learned the hard way that offering help over punishment made things way worse than it was.
Counseling needs to happen periodically as they pass through the education system K-12. More as they get closer to adult life. Preventive has much better results learning about how to access resources.
Agreed. But yapping about how it was all the Democrats' fault in the past doesn't solve anything either.
"Defunding" programs essentially meant reorganizing how LE are deployed. At least twenty major cities have reduced spending on police in favor of social programs.
To sign off I will add this.
I have been arrested by lying cops twice.
Each time was expensive in court to clear my name and neither the system or the officer feel any of that pain. Total BS!
I also had a sheriff deputy lie about a dog poop in a neighbor yard and wrote us a ticket. $80 🤬
On the other hand some police give constantly to the community and always HELP more than they cause problems.
Funding for programs does not cure anything. People using them properly, voluntarily, and with the end goal being a way out of their situation. They have to want it.
We agree on other services being needed, but I will never buy into the idea it's the police fault for everything people don't like.
Bad people are everywhere.
I do not trust the police, period. They lie, abuse the position, and do crooked crap to bust people. They can be a total power hungry ass.
I did a deeper dive on the author and her opinions expressed writing this article.
She has a knack at not including some things and emphasizing other things. I would take it more seriously if it included accurate time frame comparisons or important stats of other factors that caused this problem.
Capturing runaway slaves in the South
Protecting private property in the North
And, since slaves were considered private property, there's really only 1 reason.
Policing in America was born broken and for some strange reason we pride ourselves on not fixing it.
Non-violent alternatives to policing are the future, like Crisis Intervention and Violence Interruptors to name a few. What else can we do to replace police over time?
DEMOCRATS wanted easy profits of the backs of blacks.
Biden openly displayed his racism on the senate floor.
Not a secret!
Counseling needs to happen periodically as they pass through the education system K-12. More as they get closer to adult life. Preventive has much better results learning about how to access resources.
Mental health is a huge factor.
Drugs is a big problem.
Poverty makes people desperate.
Other misc also add to it.
Arrests is not always the answer, but NO ARRESTS has failed miserably.
"Defunding" programs essentially meant reorganizing how LE are deployed. At least twenty major cities have reduced spending on police in favor of social programs.
I have been arrested by lying cops twice.
Each time was expensive in court to clear my name and neither the system or the officer feel any of that pain. Total BS!
I also had a sheriff deputy lie about a dog poop in a neighbor yard and wrote us a ticket. $80 🤬
Funding for programs does not cure anything. People using them properly, voluntarily, and with the end goal being a way out of their situation. They have to want it.
Bad people are everywhere.
I do not trust the police, period. They lie, abuse the position, and do crooked crap to bust people. They can be a total power hungry ass.
She has a knack at not including some things and emphasizing other things. I would take it more seriously if it included accurate time frame comparisons or important stats of other factors that caused this problem.