Before income tax and central banking (I.e. the federal reserve), the government’s only source of revenue were tariffs. Citizens should demand sound money.
Gold and silver are sound money. We trade in currency printed out of thin air by the federal reserve. Our currency is actually debt. Each bill states “Federal Reserve Note”. A note is a loan. We need to end central banking and return to a gold standard.
Gold and silver are shiny pieces of metal which have no intrinsic value beyond what is assigned to them. Bank Reserve Notes are not loans. You are using “tax protester” jargon. Returning to the gold standard would be disaster and will never happen.
Gold has been $ for 6,000 years. Gold is used in electronics due to its high conductivity. Silver has antibacterial qualities & is used in catheters. It’s also used in solar panels. Bank reserve notes are, in fact, loans. Prices in America declined between 1810-1910 while we were on a gold standard
Prices did not decline during the gold standard. Consumers paid the tariff taxes that the government was levying on behalf of the robber barons.