Global warming has accelerated, a lot!
The first 19 days of 2025 were on average +1.74°C above pre-industrial.
That's about 0.1°C warmer than the same period last year. Then we had an El Niño, now a La Niña.
The first 19 days of 2025 were on average +1.74°C above pre-industrial.
That's about 0.1°C warmer than the same period last year. Then we had an El Niño, now a La Niña.
What will they do? -Nuke a volcano to create a cooling effect out of desperation?
No one should be surprised if we see the two-year average reaching +1.6°C around July 2025..
The recent warming is the new mean. Start making a new smoothing line, matching curves and inclincation from pre-2023, and we're talking
We had a period of two-three days about -6-10C and some snow, but it turned soon to +C.
single event/obect. [ usually accompanied with more than
a soupcon of contempt 🙂 ]