Go to know Howie. He’s never met a poor person, or someone who saves the heels of bread, catsup packages, freezes little bits of rice or left overs, or reuses their tea bags, goes without seeing the dentist or eye doctor, turns the heat down to 50 and wears old sweaters and socks to bed. He’s an ass
She'll get it next month, like nothing ..she's lucky she has you, but not everybody can miss one check, he's an idiot. The fraudsters are Elon and the ruffian occupying the WH.
Here is the phone # for the Secy. of Commerce office. Stand up and let them know how wrong he, and the rest, are. They are testing the waters to see if people will push back. PUSH BACK-MAKE THE CALL. Yes, I did. 800-424-5197.
Please share this as much as possible. We CAN and Must make a difference.
That was a warning.
Just happened
Please share this as much as possible. We CAN and Must make a difference.