The Sky Kangas were brought to Earth by the Sky Riders of Nebulosa, whom were of course also transvestite Furries. Jumpa is an alien so she has an excuse to be off model from Earth Kangaroos. Later artists would make them less freakish, but I'll always prefer Amazons riding kangas over horses.
I do think the original artists meant to draw them more like regular Earth kangaroos but didn't have adequate references. Interior art showed the forelimbs to look more like badly inked paws than hooves. I doubt they were intentionally monstrous.
My GameStop preorder yielded the Chase Platinum with the jacket and heat vision eyes, and I hate it and wish I had the regular, which I’m still hunting. I’m still going to keep since Streaky also has heat vision eyes and that sort of makes it worth it.
The hooves make a lot of sense knowing they are more of a specific species for riding and not just large kangaroos.
Thank you, this rules.