Day one 2/3
Okay about nyc motorways,, or highways- WHATEVER YOU CALL THEM😭 it all felt all so hostile..? I dont know how to describe it but it's definitely different compared to the openness of the motorway leading to Manchester airport, beautiful sunset however.
Okay about nyc motorways,, or highways- WHATEVER YOU CALL THEM😭 it all felt all so hostile..? I dont know how to describe it but it's definitely different compared to the openness of the motorway leading to Manchester airport, beautiful sunset however.
Now kanda noticing like 70% of my first day was getting to new york, BUT THATS NOT WHAT MATTERS😌 what does matter was the beautiful skyline. (Just ignore the trash on street level🙂↔️)
GOODNESS ME ITS BEEN A LONG DAY,, okay well my legs feel all floppy 🫠🫠 but i will recover from this! And hey atleast i wasn't stuck on a plane all day.. where to begin- Right! Time square. Going through it last night hurt my eyes but it was alot more tame this morning, also peak spotted
After time square we had to use the subway to get to madison square garden AND GOODNESS THAT PLACE WAS SO BIG AND LETS JUST SAY-- AWESOME?? Getting the tour was so intriguing and while we where getting toured around the current pitch was the basketball court
And we where back to the subway we went for a while until we made it to the memorial pools to pay our respects there, although i only have this picture since i felt bad about picturing the memorial pools😥🥲
From there we walked down to the ferry area so we could catch a ferry to liberty island and ITS BEEN FOREVER SINCE I WENT ON A BOAT, LIKE 10 YEARS FOREVER. So safe to say i was rather excited right? It was fun, here is my first mate. Applin
Liberty island was AWESOME! i always wanted to see it. So finally seeing it felt so surreal. THEN WE WHERE ALLOWED UP TO THE TOP,, those stairs almost gave me a asthma attack hehe😄