Day two 3/7
And we where back to the subway we went for a while until we made it to the memorial pools to pay our respects there, although i only have this picture since i felt bad about picturing the memorial pools😥🥲
And we where back to the subway we went for a while until we made it to the memorial pools to pay our respects there, although i only have this picture since i felt bad about picturing the memorial pools😥🥲
From there we walked down to the ferry area so we could catch a ferry to liberty island and ITS BEEN FOREVER SINCE I WENT ON A BOAT, LIKE 10 YEARS FOREVER. So safe to say i was rather excited right? It was fun, here is my first mate. Applin
Liberty island was AWESOME! i always wanted to see it. So finally seeing it felt so surreal. THEN WE WHERE ALLOWED UP TO THE TOP,, those stairs almost gave me a asthma attack hehe😄
So after finishing up at liberty island we had a moment to chill on the ferry and the subway as we rode to the otherside of nyc, Bubbagump!! And that restaurant is absolutely ✨️STUNNING✨️ it was fun and it mayyy be because forest gump is a film me and my mother love
And to round out the day we went to the empire state. It was so beautiful 🥺 and well like i said- IM SO TIRED. Im in my hotel room writing this absolutely limp😭 so im happy tomorrow is mainly just Broadway
ANOTHER LONG DAY 😞 okay!! We started by walking over to the public library, IT WAS SO AMAZING! I had to get Applin in some photos so i made sure to do that and of course i had to leave a donation to thank them🫡
MACY'S!!..... I wont lie it was rather underwhelming 😅 i expected alot more than clothes but the highlights there have got to be my first American McDonald's WHAT ARE MASSIVE BY THE WAY and Toys R Us had some amazing pokemon plushies. So Applin has two now friends