"It does seem an odd predilection for a... presence such as this." But the man seems a victim of circumstance, truly; they sense no deception.
They're busy with their gear for a while, taking their time to work the heavy mail off. They seem unsuited for its weight, but with patience,
They're busy with their gear for a while, taking their time to work the heavy mail off. They seem unsuited for its weight, but with patience,
Finally, they settle in around the fire, a wary eye to the woods around them and much on their mind. For the moment, all they voice is, "I will take the watch over early morn. The Dawnfather's light will be of great comfort."
To Mattias, they offer,
Of all things - they pull a piccolo from a pocket.
[Empathic Transfer: 15 HP to Mattias,
8 damage to Tomomi]
"At least it's quiet out here. No drunkards yelling in the next room over..."
She had her own thoughts regarding Illario and his demon named Envy, who he insisted was kind and liked fluffy things, and determined to pass further judgement
The blood on her was drying even in the chill air so she took a moment to at least wipe the blood from her face before she regarded Wren.
"Wren, was it? Please accept my empathy on behalf of your fallen party members. Seeing as we are together for the