If this gives you hope, please retweet this thread:
Nonviolent protests are twice as likely to succeed as armed conflicts – & those engaging a threshold of 3.5% of the population have never failed to bring about change.
If this gives you hope, please retweet this thread:
Nonviolent protests are twice as likely to succeed as armed conflicts – & those engaging a threshold of 3.5% of the population have never failed to bring about change.
There are roughly 335 million people in this country. 3.5% of that number = about 11 - 12 million people. Meaning we need to mobilize that many people against this effort to destroy our democracy.
Kamala Harris got 75 million votes. The 11 - 12 million we need are among that number. If we can
mobilize 1 out of every 6 people who voted against this horrorshow, we will win.
So what tactics do we need to use? First, flooding the phones of our Senators and Representatives - especially if they're Republican. Call them; lie to them and tell them you voted for them, you voted for Trump, but
but you didn't vote to install a South African Austin Powers villain as a puppetmaster, and you expect your Senator/Representative to DO THEIR JOB and uphold their oath.
These arrogant SOBs will ignore a call or two with this message - but they can't ignore 3.5% or more of their constituents
calling with the same message. They are motivated by fear - if they're hearing more rage from people demanding they act to protect the law and the Constitution, they won't so easily rubberstamp Trump's every action. Sure, some will continue on the MAGA train, but we only have to peel off 3 in the
House and 4 in the Senate, and we win. And we can target who those should be - though we should put the heat on ALL of them, in every state and every district.
I don't know how many days or weeks we are from attempts to turn the military loose against protesters. It's not yet, so we need to
flood the zones with protests while we can, and hopefully we won't get to that point.
But first and foremost, we need to organize to make sure we're making those calls. Through our local networks, however we can.
Remember - if we mobilize 3.5% of the population, we win. Let's get to it!