27 seconds... not even an entire minute. They plan on deportation, and we have until January 9th to convince the court not to.
We have to get a whole lot done, and we are running out of funding. I hate to ask for more after so many have already donated, but we need the support for us to continue.
We have to get a whole lot done, and we are running out of funding. I hate to ask for more after so many have already donated, but we need the support for us to continue.
I'm going to donate as much as I can and I sincerely hope it helps.
They have not given a reason for destroying the visa, and they are not required to.
Our best guess is that the CBP officer has a personal issue with Bastion's artwork, but who knows really.
- Krech
Fucking assholes.
This ~STILL~ infuriates me... this would be like if you got pulled over by the cops and they asked for your license and registration and they decided on a whim to DESTROY THEM...
And then it's the cop's word against yours and you'll never have the proof or the chance to prove that you DID have license and registration before THOSE ASSHOLES tore them up...