They're literally taking estrogen to make their bodies more feminine. And you're risking their safety by forcing them to play with men, but that's a risk you're willing to take. How Trumpian of you
They might be taking it to make themselves more feminine, but they are still stronger then woman. I just saw a thread about this and some people like you that won't rationally discuss the issue. Here's part of it;
Worthless idiots like you want to hide behind electoral politics or concerns about "groupthink" or "nuanced debate" when you could just stand up for the most marginalized group in the country. With liberals like these, who needs Republicans?
You're right. Part of being a good ally is refusing to engage in "rational" debate with bigots and hate-filled individuals. That's what being a cowardly liberal is for. Also sports literally don't matter at all, and if you're talking about youth sports you're talking about people on puberty blockers