This is well observed. The primary storyline of corporate media in the last decade is the unwillingness to learn and adjust.
Reposted from
Seth Abramson
I don't think corporate media understands how angry America is. I rarely watch CNN or MSNBC anymore, but when I turned the former on today the mood, tone and structure was identical to 9 years ago—which means no one at the network has any idea whatsoever what's really happening in America right now.
1) WMD
2) Normalizing Torture
3) Sane-washing and promoting Trump in 2016
4) Promoting the Tea Party without acknowledging that it's an astro-turf operation or the militia involvement
5) Missing all the fraud at Enron, Theranos, et al
I am also less than happy with MSNBC, their corporate side is starting to show and it's not good.