The U.S. Marshalls Service - although they are part of DOJ, they're obligated by law to enforce court orders, even against the administration. If they fail to do that, THAT's when we enter a constitutional crisis.
Exactly. Who are the people who's going to stand up for America ?. Only the poor uneducated Red Necks who voted for 47 stand with him and they don't know The Constitution of the United States neither does the other Maggot's who make up that number of people.
I would say a good first step to fixing America is for the people to stop waiting for someone else to do these things and demand this be done by starting the largest protests across the country that have ever been seen here before. As long as we keep wishfully thinking nothing will wishfully happen.
This could be written out and promulgated by the Shadow Government. When maga loses its power all politicians who did not preserve and protect will be tried for treason.
Got to beat the fascists first. There is nothing legislatively that can be done in a system where the tripartite government has abdicated it's responsibility. I wish to fucking christ people would wake up to this fact.
There was an amendment to that effect, I believe it was the 14th Amendment, Sec. 3, that said that any officer of the US who'd taken an oath to uphold the Constitution and then "engaged in" insurrection or rebellion" was disqualified from holding office.
When they had the power to do so
And we all know they’re cowards!
Let's do it!
But what do I know. I'm not an "expert."
Has this ever been tried?