Why? We are not in grade school and on the other platform they seemed rather stupid. We can reply and use our words to communicate. Scanning replies gives a much better snapshot of what people think or care about.
Polls on platforms like this are more or less bias confirmation for anything of consequence. More tribal reinforcement than meaningful data. That said sure why not. Those of us that find them dubious don’t have to participate.
🤣 true. Maybe for a few fun things it would be fun.
I realized why there is no edit feature. If you post, & someone replies, then you edit your post, any replies disappear. Thats how it works on another platform. So if you want to edit, do it fast.
Polls build engagement.
Yes Maybe No
↙️ ⬇️ ↘️
It's easier and quicker for everyone.
I realized why there is no edit feature. If you post, & someone replies, then you edit your post, any replies disappear. Thats how it works on another platform. So if you want to edit, do it fast.
So it's important to check typos - and maybe emotions -before posting. 😁
Vote 2. If you think AnnaBo is wrong.
Vote 3. If you think AnnaBo's both right and wrong.
Reply with one vote only (That is, reply either 1, 2, or 3 only).