Everyone needs to contact their representatives and let them know how pissed off you are with the trump regime! As my old political science teacher used to say "Silence gives consent"!!!
I call my senators every single day! Make it part of your daily routine as you’re brushing your teeth call them up and complain. Download the app 5 Calls it makes it simple. It gives you the issues it even gives you scripts if you want to use them.
Two Trust Funds: The Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund. Trust Funds should not be accessible, as far as I know in the legal world, since they are overseen by a Board of Trustees, but now are probably positions filled by Trump appointees.
Voluminous mail, email, in-person visits have more weight than even money. They recoil when people make clear they have votes and fucking know how how use them.
People on Mental Health treatment plans are about to be rounded up by the US Nazi Regime and put into forced labor camps as so ordered by RFK Jr.-MotherJones.com
Need to call their DC and local offices and tag them on social media
Or send as attachments so they bypass the anthrax scans.
People on Mental Health treatment plans are about to be rounded up by the US Nazi Regime and put into forced labor camps as so ordered by RFK Jr.-MotherJones.com
That's accomplishing jack squat...
Just throw them straight in the bin. Direct action is the only option. Visible action!