I don't even remember where that question of mine came from. Normally I would tag an article along with a question like that. I think I was in DC at the ASHG conference when I sent that, so probably saw a poster arguing increased effective in those w/ certain genetic factors...only a guess.
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Well short answer is: yeah, depending on the stone, you can use different diuretics to decrease their formation (bc stones are “precipitate”, if you will, and diuretics alter the “solution”/filtrate).
On a different subject, I don't know how I missed this one when it came out. Of course, it's not officially out, since it's still a pre-print, but they blew everyone else out of the water as far as studying non-European genetics, connecting to thousands of phenotypes. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.06.28.23291975v1.full-text
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