i am
sloshed and i know its
-checks time-
2 am
but its ama time
so ask me things! or else!!
you might get a sober answer in the morning......... (afternoon, she means after noon she aint waking up early lmao)
i am
sloshed and i know its
-checks time-
2 am
but its ama time
so ask me things! or else!!
you might get a sober answer in the morning......... (afternoon, she means after noon she aint waking up early lmao)
Maple will can be any width depending on mood
but she is usually belly focused
Momple (the mom version of Maple) will always be 2 times as wide as normal Maple
and Nerdple will always be 8 times as wide as normal Maple
Its just the lifestyle ya know?
theres so many but if i had to pick right now
it would be a Cherry Pepsi
I call them Cherry Pebbi...
What do ya think is the absolute worst thing to add onto a sandwich/burger?
Imma be real, mines avocado/guacamole, never liked em so I defs can’t handle it on bread
yea I think thats it for me
I dont like it normally so putting it on my burger would just make me upset
Who would you go for first, second and third?
well if I was the sort of point of this sort of like fattening viral contagion then there really wouldnt be anyone I wouldnt make huge 💦
So everyone is on the list
depends who I happen to grow toward first~
Than k you!!! 🧡
Noelle has a good chance too, and so does Mira but I think those two have the biggest shot of taking the crown in this battle royal
(probably too much trouble if you ask me)
((like hohmygosh whats her deal, and why is so cute about it))
The Flantasy Flan episode for Courage the Cowardly Dog is a good example of this
(same with the Kaiju kangaroo episode, for Macro)
*insert Mr torgue from borderlands*
(dont listen to me thats jhust one opf my fave movies lmao)
Or the protagonist in an episodic slice of life premise where you’re confronted with new self contained situations?
only for the sake of being able to just enjoy many different situations and scenes with it!
Maybe serial later... but I like episodic more for myself!