Game Changers act as a "watch list" of sorts. It's a place for strong cards to go before being banned AND vice versa. Banned cards can move down to Game Changers as a sort of test to see how it plays before unbanning it.,, are an example of many tools for #EDH deckbuilding that are going to push updates to denote what cards are game changers
The goal for this beta phase is to evaluate how this all works and then revisit any major changes in late April. That timeframe MAY have changes to the ban list. #WeeklyMTG #MTG #EDH #Commander
A question asked: Per bracket 3, what constitutes a "late game" combo? Per Gavin, it's around Turn 8 and later. Another question asked, was a point system ever considered, similar to Canadian Highlander? It added too much complexity to what they want to be a simple system. #MTG #EDH #Commander
The Twitch chats most asked question: "Is Land Fetching considered a tutor?" Gavin says no, finding lands is not considered a tutor for the purpose of this list. #MTG #EDH #Commander