Erica girl is really good and she’s the only one I could actually see as a character and not as an actor delivering a robotic performance 😭 the case was so confusing but idk if it’s because it’s really confusing or just not interesting enough for me to pay attention, it sucked lmao
yes. They stressed me out 10 seconds in with Ted not getting along with his dad and later when Rosslyn went to try to convince him to go see his dad, that sounded so much like the times Donna tried to convince Harvey to go see his mom, except they’re really weak actors 😩
And, even with a gun to my head, you could not get me to say that empty bullpen wasn't a knockoff version of what happened after Mike and Rachel's not-wedding.
But are they basically the same as mine?
I have to stick up for my girl Alice Lee...but even she was rough in the pilot, so you're valid here.
And, even with a gun to my head, you could not get me to say that empty bullpen wasn't a knockoff version of what happened after Mike and Rachel's not-wedding.