I'm just waiting for someone to finally say to him, with a pause first, "You don't know, Jack! You fucking phony braggart! For once in your life, shut the fuck up! No one believes a word you say, you insecure piece of shit!" Or something to that effect.
According to him his knowledge is so vast it can’t even be comprehended. According to most of the world he’s the biggest idiot to ever walk on two legs. The latter is fact.
One of the things that irritates me is that he blocked Biden's transition, and yet now, after running for office for 2 years, and interfering with bills for months, he is acting like he is president, and everyone bows down and lets him.
That or in PRISON for LIFE with ZERO POSSIBILITY of PAROLE, along with his three eldest fraudster kids and ALL his seditious, traitorous, Republican enablers.
Because he has a golf course that looks over a dock he knows about automation and supply chain problems. Yeah. He actually thinks this view depresses the value of his fucking golf course. Fucking moron and his moronic army. A clear and present danger to all.........
He knows more about anything than anybody else. Except if it hurts him politically and then it's the I don't know anything about him or about something show.
Amidst his orange tanning , Botox,hairstyling, golf and impulsive early morning social media posts, you got to give him credit for becoming an expert on automation . Now someone interview him on the specifics of automation.
The amount of which he doesn’t understand is staggering. Umm, what do tariffs do? In terms of who pays what, will be sufficient. No Mr trump you cannot answer because you have shown a distinct lack of comprehension in this matter.
No way he'd be able to stop watching a Roomba after only 15 minutes. He's too easily distracted by moving objects...about the same brain power as a house cat. He wouldn't stop until it went to recharge. Then he'd appoint it to his cabinet.
JFC, yet another subject that “Dear Leader” knows more about that than pretty much everyone else. We all knew a guy like that in college .. a pure BS artist.
"Now, Speed Buggy...I call him L'il Speedy...L'il Speedy is one one the finest examples of automation... isn't that right, Elon? Elon here is working on bringing L'il Speedy back, aren't you Elon? See, I know bigly amounts about automation... Tink just said, with a tear in his eye, he never met--"
He knows everything. He’s even used one of them new fancy soda machines that has like 300 flavors.
Well he hasn’t actually used it but he’s seen it used.
I'd wish for media to stop their endless and breathless reporting of any promise and claim the idiot makes, and instead focus on what he actually does, and the facts.
Every op-ed should detail the lies & the facts. This time the fact checking starts pre- Trump’s term. I’m going to be swearing a lot more over the next 4 years.,
You mean they talked about automation on Fox News.??!! Probably a 2 minutes report but that is enough for the moron genius to know everything about anything. What a moron and he will be …. Can’t even say it , too painful.
If you’re not automatically capable of automating the automation of our country’s capitalization, then the frustration of your automatic station is autocratically inaugurated.
…with millions of dollars in Meta and Amazon funding. 😂
We've got the best crypto in the world, we got the- CHINA! We've got better crypto than China! Have you seen that? A crypto came up to me and said "Sir! You're the best Crypto. Better than the other crypto." It's the best crypto.
He is nuts. That hasn't changed. Sick that every day we will be inundated with posts from him, no matter which platform we are on. Instead of planning a response to the cruelty, we just post his stupidity. Year after year.
I’ll never understand why he’s not pressed harder on this stuff by the media. Or I guess “wasn’t;” I understand now they’re terrified of him. But anybody looking to make a name during the Trump era could’ve mastered the same 20-30 ?’s and raked him every time he did this.
If I witness ever does this on the stand, I’m doing the Birdman hand rub gif all the way up to the podium. You don’t even need to be inventive… just recycle the same brutal cross-ex you used last time to chump one of these morons off.
Frank Sobotka came up to me with tears in his eyes and said, "Sir, nobody knows the docks like you." And this guy's tough. Running heroin through the Baltimore docks is a hard job. Tremendous heroin, believe me or believe Junior.
The orange menace is an expert on everything in the world. He gets this from his renowned experts like the two giant egos on doge- also self proclaimed experts on everything.
He knows nothing about automation, he has never in his life studied it, this asshole spouts off about shit he has no clue about, he is a know it all, that doesn't know shit
Imbecilic petulant toddler LOSER POS at best.
Which is, of course, precisely where he belongs.
That or in PRISON for LIFE with ZERO POSSIBILITY of PAROLE, along with his three eldest fraudster kids and ALL his seditious, traitorous, Republican enablers.
Many people are saying he's even better than the 45th President.
Omg it’s like he knows everything about everything and nothing about himself.
Just gonna drop this brainiac quote right here.
Now that's funny😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣
Like I won't even be greedy. Just incapacitate him to the point he can't speak or type anymore.
"I have nothing to do with Project 2025. I haven’t read it. I’m not going to read it."
I bet he does Not Know Anything!!
Maddening! 😡
He knows more than anyone; automation experts, military generals, of course, doctors (Fauci), economists, etc.
Just saying… 😏
Except of course by 🍊 Jesus, who knows more than anyone in the history of film clips.
Every other 1st world nation has figured out health care
They also figured out automation in shipping logistics
But they have an excuse. The petulant toddler does not.
What a wonder to behold.
When I was 12.
Well he hasn’t actually used it but he’s seen it used.
"Sign n°10: Knows everything about everything better than everyone else"
…with millions of dollars in Meta and Amazon funding. 😂
Ditz 😒
now i bake every ritz cracker in z cosmos; all powered with bigy electric⚡️rocking chairs🪑
after chugging a bucket of gravy we built a ufo🛸that bends time&folds space&discovered a place beyond gödel’s proof.
deep fried food enlightens awe. 🤣
He could care less what impact it's going to have on the working class.