The true test of the Republican Party is matching the level of incompetence to the importance of the office. Vasectomy Shamalamadingdong is the perfect match
I've lived in Ohio my entire life and can assure you the racists in this state would never vote for anyone other than a white male. Vivek is delusional.
Before we get to that question, it is easier to ask "can he be a decent human being?"
Failing that precludes him from "being good" at any elected position.
Not at all. I am a Democrat voter/supporter, through&through. I would have voted red if the Red candidate had been more respectful of the entire country and not just one person. It's obvious that to T, peole have to be loyal to him; heck with the Rest of us.
Sure. Whatever. No one wanted Nutaswami for President and no one will vote for him for governor.
He is a grifting con man that bought a drug that failed its trial, pumped and dumped his stock, and surprise, the drug failed again. It never was going to pass. Everyone gets screwed except him.
If he doesn't get the job, then he can run for major, if that fails theres always dog catcher opening. Well if that doesn't works out, he can always get a job as trash collector.
Another Billionaire no-it-all wanting to grab some power, what this country needs is not a single billionaire, they have never paid their fair share while reaping benefits like crazy from both state and federal govts. They are reverse Robin Hoods without any sense of humanity.
Hey now, we've been fighting hard the last decade to change UA from the inside. Our work has given us our first Black Immigrant Female Mayor. I would have never dreamt that possible when I moved here 10 years ago. I know the perception but we're slowly growing a progressive, inclusive community.
I agree, but he does it so effectively & they believe it so deeply that a quick pivot like this seeds dissent like we saw w Patel and Musk vs Bannon & the base. I didn’t ever imagine dissent amongst MAGA being a possibility before musk. They are a cult & w/o hive mind they become demoralized.
They know and/or ignore that they too will feel the ramifications of all things trump. My only hope is that if things fail he will need to prop things up for the good lest his name still be associated w him being a failure during this term 2! Vivek is a snake & he lost his hope of running WH 2 musk!
Yes for shure! New Ohio on Mars! If he needs some Oligarchs for the new State... take Elon, Puttinn, Donny Orange, The young Kim and the old Xi with you!...
Dear Vivek...look I hate to be the one to have to tell you but you will never be one of them...they are bigoted mysaginitic racists you will always be an outsider...this is really a club you want no part of anyway
We've also got Dr. Amy Acton throwing her hat in the ring. She was a rockstar in the early days of the pandemic but I don't know if time has held that for her.
Vivesmarmy is not a valid American by MAGA rules. I think Ohio will unite in rejecting him. As bad as our new Senator will be, I am relieved it's not V.
Lol there's no way Ohio would vote for him. He is too dark for Ohio and no one will be able to say his name. The very people he made fun on Twitter live in Ohio. As someone who is stuck in Ohio and has a racist family, I assure you, he won't succeed here.
I, for one, would LOVE to see a race between that lying, thieving con man and the honorable Sherrod Brown. If Ohioans have any brains and balls at all, they will realize just how good Sherrod Brown could be for that state!
We almost always vote the right way in Franklin County. We're just so horribly outnumbered by the rural "idjuts" that it hardly matters. I will say, I feel he's going to get more of the cold hard truth that he was told on the primary trail though. The bigotry may actually save us for once.
Good luck dumb fuck.
Failing that precludes him from "being good" at any elected position.
Not sure he would be good at at any political post ~ narcissist
He is a grifting con man that bought a drug that failed its trial, pumped and dumped his stock, and surprise, the drug failed again. It never was going to pass. Everyone gets screwed except him.
Ohio is run by too many Republicans for my sanity.
Ohio is lost. It will never be a swing state again. Culturally it's closer to Mississippi than it is to Michigan
On purpose?!?