It’s so fucking bizarre. An overweight, make-up wearing, pants-shitting, butthole-mouthed, comb-overed octogenarian, and all of these people would line up to kiss the tip of his mushroom dick only to run to the back of the line for a second turn after they were done. This is the Twilight Zone.
It really is the Twilight Zone - "It's a Good Life" - with Billy Mummy as a kid who has powers and everyone has to do what he says and say nice things about him or he turns them into creatures or disappears them.
Now I haven’t read The Bible but I did own myself ‘The Ten Commandments’ on VHS & I distinctly remember the Sky Fairy being pissed w/the golden calf stuff.
Is this not the same?
Where’s Chuck Heston to smite her with the Staff that turns into a snake?
That woman was an unknown when elected for her first term, That pathetic excuse for a House member getting elected for her second term was sheer fucking stupidity. Thanks Coloradans.
Does anyone remember the biblical Old Testament story of the golden idle? It didn’t turn out so well for those who worshipped at that idol. For some who profess Christianity, this should be familiar.
In the photo, Lauren Boebert is sucking up to Trump
See my blog post on Boebert, nihilistic, vaping, cop-hating, constitution-hating, conspiracy spreading, high school dropout who was called a “little bitch” on floor of Congress by Marjorie Taylor Greene,
The GOP found this pkg of damaged goods the same place they found Candace Owens, Tomi Lahren, and MTG - ExploreTalent. The last time I checked, the website still had their photos up. It sure looked like an escort service to me. 🤔 B/c of course the GOP think of escorts when they think of women. 🤦♀️
You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents
The GOP systematically go after unqualified candidates they can control. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this one. How you go from being an escort to a United States Representative. Its all a joke...
“So, Aaron instructed them to bring their gold which he formed with an engraving tool and made it into a statue of a calf or in this case, a bloated cow.”
You're fucked😪
going to ruin this country for? This f’ing shyster?
Well now I just want to vomit.
But go go go try it, just in case it really works
Also, can’t wait to see that statue topped over, just like Saddam Hussein’s
Is this not the same?
Where’s Chuck Heston to smite her with the Staff that turns into a snake?
(Same movie taught me about Passover)
Thug rage
The modern Sieg Heil salute
Boebert should stick to 🖐️ jobs
See my blog post on Boebert, nihilistic, vaping, cop-hating, constitution-hating, conspiracy spreading, high school dropout who was called a “little bitch” on floor of Congress by Marjorie Taylor Greene,
I find this figure very telling