Their next move to cover up their failures, from Republicans in Congress and the Trump Admin, is to try and change the way that things are measured. Watch.
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What would they do if every citizen or the majority refused to pay taxes?
This is clearly taxation without representation. They planning on tossing every citizen in the hoosgow?
Y=C + I + G + (X-M) is just a result. something like an accounting book. this formula (not equation) is not for explaining economic growth. you can't correctly describe how bigger G affects other variables C, I, X, M.
When this country’s administration of stupidity finally is overtaken by diseases, pestilences, fires, winds, and corporate greed driven poverty and starvation…where can the human race go! Thanks MAGATS!
So I am supposed to build my own road to my work office, and then it will count towards GDP? And build my private police station? I guess flying will be a no-no going forward.
At this point you're more of a sage than a journalist Ron, all your predictions for this admin have been especially on point. If you could maybe provide me with some winning lottery numbers next, me and the wife would be very grateful, especially given the current state of things 😂
I've already heard people claim that the US has a higher maternal mortality rate because they count it differently. Of course Idaho decided the best solution was to simply stop counting.
Why else would they be eliminating oversight of any kind? For a couple of “great” businessmen, these 2 sure don’t see the impacts of truncating a sector impacting a 1/4 of our GDP. Biden nearly avoided a global recession thanks to this idiot and now they’re going for full-fledged depression.
Elon is an imbecile. He’s saying the government purchase of, for example, aircraft should not be counted in the GDP despite the tens of thousands of workers involved in the design and production but if Delta Airlines buys a jet that would count towards GDP. Cant fix stupid.
The commong economic activitity measurement used to be GNP, not GDP. GNP includes goods and services produced by a country's citizens regardless of location. I'm sure economists have other measurements which Leon could have found out about if he asked one. Every common econ stat has variations.
Sure Elon, the measure of a successful economy should be TSS - the combined profits of Tesla, Starlink and SpaceX.
Nothing else matters, does it?
What arrogant, egotistical fools.
“A more accurate measure of GDP would exclude most of the GDP.” He’s suggesting we not include his own companies in GDP because those are being “artificially” bolstered by government spending.
A more accurate way to calculate savings is by using a net ROI. But you don’t see captain dipshit doing that when he cuts something that had a 1200% ROI and claims it as “savings”…
I recall that reegan's employment and job creation numbers were soooo bad that they changed the way that those were counted. The military was never counted towards employment, and then it was. Keeping reegan from being the worst. It was announced on the news.
Musk is a cancer. No actual ability to do things, he just creates chaos and steals from companies that actually do things. Now he’s found a way to take directly from America.
What he did was find a blithering idiot that can be easily bought, helped him get elected to the highest office in our country, then began to run said country into the ground for Putin. Too bad he let his dogs (trump & vance) off the leash yesterday, and they humiliated us all. Was that the plan????
And when he says "make people's lives better," he means make his life better. As if government services don't make people's lives better... tells us everything we already knew about what a worthless excuse for a human being the guy really is.
Elon is such a stupid piss mop bitch lol, the creator of self driving cars that drive into pedestrians and pile ons at high rates of speed doesn’t get to talk about what makes people’s life better. everyone will be better off when he’s a cautionary tale in history instead of wasting air here
It WOULD be interesting to see the difference in the velocity of public vs private money. Would public money be higher since a lot of it goes to social programs or would it be lower since the largest contracts go to entities like F'Elon's Starlink?
One of the things we are spending money on that doesn’t improve our lives is DOGE. Get rid of this faux agency, spend that money more wisely, on things that improve our lives.
Attacks moving fast. Hegseth ordered cybersecurity for RU stopped .
People must be arrested.No discussing “bs talking points”.Elon/Putin bought Trump- Putin said it out loud and threatened him.Elon said week one- Gov is NOT Fixable - Week 2 Trump pivots to - We must privatize all gov. (Elon corps)
Leon Mush is such a turd. He sees spending money on people as weak. Part of the government’s job is to take care of its citizens with social programs. That connection/ compassion is totally lost on his broken brain.
Why do we let Elon tell us what will make our lives better. We need to tell him what will make our lives better. All that he’s doing now is making himself and his cronies richer
This is the strategy: look at the Federal jobs they're cutting. At mid-terms we will hear "look - disease is down worldwide, the economy - better than ever, the environment - self-regulation works!" Their moronic supporters will pull their thumbs out of their mouths and cheer with slobbering gusto.
National income = private consumption (C) + investment (I) + Government spending (G) + Exports - Imports.
Even if they remove the the "G" to juice the stats, there will still be problems bc the tariffs are going to send the C and I parts down, as well as the Exports will be lower.
I grew up in Evangelical right wing culture, and there is something fundamental to their world view here. Their willingness to completely ignore what's right in front of them. It's both their power and their weakness
and worse, a ton are employed places where logic and reason should prevail. my parents, evangelical right wingers, now totally off the deep end insane with their views in love with Elon and trump, are a neuroscientist and occupational safety expert repping cases for people who get hurt at work
Clean air, water, land makes our lives better. Health care and food assistance makes our lives better. And so on. What he means is pay more private industry to take over our government functions without oversight. The money flowing out gets spent regardless, genius, unless... 1/2
So an educated workforce doesn't contribute? Or a transport infrastructure, with things like bridges and roads? What about a postal service? How about scientific research done by public institutions? Without DARPA we wouldn't even have email. Or CERN no world wide web. Elon is a moron.
Hey Elon, blah, blah, blah. You’re making Americans’ lives much worse so they don’t give a shit how you measure GDP. They just know you’re causing them pain.
While this is a seriously bad, dangerous and ignorant post, I had to lol thinking of all the stupid things advertised on tv coming from private business.
Also, he doesn’t get the role of government spending/taxation in moderating the effects of the business cycle on the economy. Not that anyone on the right believes government has any role beyond redistribution of wealth upwards anyway!
The only problem with that is people don't really pay attention to those numbers. It's what they feel, just like this past election. They voted because they felt like things were going in the wrong direction because of the high prices at the grocery store, and that's going to continue.
Ultimately earnings are earnings, and the market reacts strongly that, and it will be bad. They are implementing austerity (DOGE), restricting the labor market (anti-immigrant), promoting inflation (tariffs), and raising taxes in the most useless possible way (also tariffs). It’s gonna be bad.
He is so stupid.
Government spending contributes to make life better but he just doesn’t understand it.
Of course sometime the government misused the money just like private company also but this is why it is important to have democracy and control mechanism but this also he doesn’t get it.
well, to be fair, the small in every way folks, like muskrat, oh, for fuck's sake, this moron needs to have his vacuous head shoved down a toilet, long & often, or hanged for treason
It's not just that this ketamine addled moron fired people who were making life better but those government workers were vital to other people and businesses.
Government spending is an integral part of every nation's economy, whether labeled capitalist, socialist or communist. And government spending, done conscientiously, absolutely does improve the lives of it's citizens, and in fact is exactly what government is designed to do.
Wondering if Musk will cut congressional aides, the lifetime healthcare of
Congress, and turn iff lights n HVAC in all federal bldgs n Congress to save real $?
Doesn’t GDP mean “Gross Domestic Product”, a tabulation of all goods and services produced by a country? Like everything? Including what that government spends to sustain itself? There is no other definition.
You can tell he didn't consult an actual economist, but never mind, he's a billionaire, that makes him automatically an expert at whatever topic he puts his drug-addled mind on.
There are actually three special elections coming up in April. One in NY and two in FL. I believe if the democrats can win those elections they can take control of the house. It exactly what we need..
Why One isn't on Twitter. It's a hard rule for sharps, "Never gamble on a rigged table with your own money".
You can't win, if the house can change the rules on a whim.
I have already come to the conclusion that you are not going to be able to trust any information or data that comes from the government anymore. We're going to have to rely on outside and aggregated data.
Side note to his post: I bet if you were to look from a utility perspective at every $ of government spending vs every $ of private sector spend, there would be more utility/value to the public from the government.
Hey while he is at it, let’s measure the valuation of his companies without the government subsidies and contracts. I am sure he will have that ready asap!
trump used artificial #s to obtain loans/pay taxes either up or down, depending $$$$ in his pocket . We all know the end result: convicted felon/business fraud, same as fraudulent "trump" university; bankrupted ACity casinos; hawking of sneakers, bibles & lies to further his corruption enterprise!
Facts are optional. Don’t change the actual facts if they favor you. Change the ones you don’t like with “good” facts so the narrative fits your agenda.
Calling the regime an "administration" is a misnomer. It's a chaotic, aimless regime of an authoritarian Keystone Cop and is run by incompetent, bellicose, empty-headed loyalists to a demented despot. We haven't had a government since 1/20/25.
Clearly he is no economic genius. GDP isn't a measure of good or bad. Rebuilding after hurricanes & fires increases GDP it doesn't consider opportunity cost.
This is clearly taxation without representation. They planning on tossing every citizen in the hoosgow?
Nothing else matters, does it?
What arrogant, egotistical fools.
MacDonald’s hamburgers
Department store bicycles
The Shift will come hopefully we as Americans will realize that time has come here in 🇺🇸
People must be arrested.No discussing “bs talking points”.Elon/Putin bought Trump- Putin said it out loud and threatened him.Elon said week one- Gov is NOT Fixable - Week 2 Trump pivots to - We must privatize all gov. (Elon corps)
So far, that's only destroyed people's lives..
That doesn’t change the reality, they’re grifters stealing from the American people.
Even if they remove the the "G" to juice the stats, there will still be problems bc the tariffs are going to send the C and I parts down, as well as the Exports will be lower.
Wonder what he'll try and name this one? "Dollars In Actual Business Ledgers Only" so he can call it DIABLO or some shit?
How ignorant people measure success.
Straight out of the Kremlin handbook for vile, ignorant thugs.
If GDP=R then
And that is the reason why we talk about GDP
Government spending contributes to make life better but he just doesn’t understand it.
Of course sometime the government misused the money just like private company also but this is why it is important to have democracy and control mechanism but this also he doesn’t get it.
Congress, and turn iff lights n HVAC in all federal bldgs n Congress to save real $?
This is them scrambling to find a way to pretend America isn't sliding into a depression.
Musk says: “Fuck them kids and old folks”
You can't win, if the house can change the rules on a whim.
Elon, a few minutes later: “Eh, fuck it, I’ll just keep it.”
He is robbing us blind.