From being clearly a Russian asset for Putin, to destroying American society and governmental institutions, I just don't understand why a Junta govt isn't formed to detain, arrest and jail Trump immediately. People not getting their SSA payments will result in mass homelessness and death. Junta asap
In other words there's NOTHING there to substantiate the right wing conspiracies so the DOJ won't release the facts in order to allow the conspiracies to continue to propagate.
The transparency they keep throwing in our face is actually mud. They keep screaming transparency, if they say it several times it must be true! That’s what they do.
UK, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Mexico, please invade the Divided Christian Nazi States of America and deliver us from these Christian Nazis. Half this country is occupied by them. We need help. We'll welcome you. We'll help you. Just like you're helping Ukraine, help us too.
I think we’re done with the fake surprise. We know what they’re up to. They want to destroy the United States we know. The billionaires are done with the constitution. They want to make it a complete autocracy through kleptocracy.
I peep on over to see what the dronez are going on about every so often and they just sorta add to the old stuff instead of move on. Kinda like going #2 in a port-a-potty after a Phish show. Just shit on shit on shit.
Because the lower MAGAts have made MAGA their entire personality trait so they have to believe everything the higher up MAGAts say. Or else they might question their existence and have a mental breakdown.
It’s information overload warfare and time for daily press conferences with strong dem communicators. Break it down, get and her whiteboard. Like Covid because it’s a crisis and moving too fast.
Maybe it WAS a political hit. But IF SO, it SURE as hell wasn't BY a Dem, or it would be released instantly. SO, maybe drumpf DID have something to do with it.
What is wrong with this woman and these dregs of humanity? It's another one of their crazy conspiracies. It is all about the cruelty. Let the man's family have some peace.
Check out the CNN interview with Bondi by Anderson Cooper after Pulse. He called her out stating she was only there for publicity. She hasn’t changed and is a disgrace to the law profession.
But MAGA is gonna keep looking for dots to connect that don't exist
How'd I do?
Pam Bondi sure set herself up for her face to be eaten by Leopard.
I live this for her.
Police said mugging gone wrong. Republicans said conspiracy to murder. Most people just have no idea.
If there were some records to release, I'd be a little surprised. He was just a staffer.
of the Trump administrations-
1. Descheduling of Hemp from Class 1 addictive narcotic
2. Removal of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions from government service
3. Removal of Matt Gaetz from government service
Why oh why does anyone believe a MAGAT??
Still waiting for the report.
Think we’ll ever see it?
The man hides his own face and baldspot everyday.
In order for them to hide it down the memory hole