After last Friday I thought trump had hit rock bottom but today and im not talking about the aid...but to withdraw the intelligence etc is just cruel this truly is a truly dark day for america and the trump your day will come karma is a bitch
This is what Dems need in red areas: super brief ad spots with info like this: gas prices increase due
to tariffs… Thanks Trump. There could literally be dozens of topics.
It will only be a small disruption! He probably never has paid for gas and doesn’t have an idea how much it cost to fill up his limousines. Heck he probably has never pumped his own gas because of his bone spurs 🤣
sure glad I got my all electric car last year, you know, when I could still get the $4,000 federal rebate to use as a down payment, and I got a Chevy Bolt EV.. best decision ever.. laugh as I drive by gas stations, and when I 'fill up' it only costs about $14.00, or less
It was Trump who brokered cooperation between MBS and Putin and a "deal" with OPEC+ to raise oil prices and save Putin's Russia from economic collapse during Covid. If not for that anti-American 2020 "deal", Putin would have been poor and weak and gas would still be cheap.
Instead Trump got Saudi Arabia and Putin to agree to work together to cut production and thereby jack-up oil prices, enriching them at our expense, and that deal has been so profitable for the two former enemies it remains in effect to this day.
"Yes, the deal is good for that particular sector [oil companies]. But there are a lot more Americans who buy oil and gasoline than there are people who produce them. Ordinary people will foot the bill for Trump’s dubious triumph.
Most of the benefits, however, will go abroad, to the likes of Vladimir Putin and Mohammed bin Salman. That’s because Russia and Saudi Arabia have much lower production costs than oil companies that are fracking in West Texas and North Dakota."
Where’s all those MAGAts yelling about Biden’s gas prices? I’m not hearing their concerns about egg prices and soon to be fresh vegetables in their local grocery.
I sincerely feel deep sympathy for Americans who voted for Kamala Harris. Regrettably, they too will pay the price despite voting against Trump. But elections have consequences. The US elected a president who chose to f*ck around and launch a trade war. And all of America will find out.
It's gone up 38 cents a gallon in my town. Now at $2.90. On January 19th, a MAGA guy I know proclaimed that gas would be 78 cents a gallon in one month. And yes, he was serious.
The only winners in a tariff war are those collecting the tariffs. I did wonder why Trump was so keen despite the harm they do to businesses and people in America.
That will be another fraud where the money ends up in his 'friends' pockets for now, ready for a rainy day.
The fastest way to make the lower echelons of society destitute and therefore more easily controlled is to attack the underlying cause for civilization;the energy unit. This means fuel. Fuel for vehicles&for our bodies. Increase cost of gas&groceries is an autocratic dictum playing out in real time
That's not the point. Trump's job description from Putin is to collapse the USD as a major currency and to instead have a putin led BRICS currency take its place.
Can we have signs posted letting us know if the tariffs are on or off? I'm having trouble keeping track. Trump is so emotional and can't seem to make up his mind.
Ron- Will you please take a look at the video of trump limping at Mar-a-lago. Everyone is looking at his ankle, are my eyes deceiving me, or was that a particular kind of salute?
Surprisingly, they went down a little in this part of Florida. But, the Spring Break crowd gets here next week so they'll be even higher than normal. I didn't move to tourist area. They invaded my cheap small town!
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to reconcile the fact that the main motivating factor that these dumb fucks claimed during the election was the economy while our economy and pandemic recovery was the envy of the world.
Ask any GOP representatives if they can hold a townhall meeting after this. They need to be extremely brave to face all those angry deplorables questioning them.
Gas, groceries, utilities--everything is going up because of Trump's bad management. The free world hate us, we've lost our trading partners, and they are still trying to steal Social Security and the USPS.
Gas Prices in Michigan on Day the felon took office
He is just executing the plan he told y he would! Musk said I will cut $2T.
People thought that that would happen without stopping social services?
H told y folks, there will be hardships ahead for a long time!
Why complain?
It's beyond stupid.
That's #MagaMath
to tariffs… Thanks Trump. There could literally be dozens of topics.
He did tell us he meant it is going to take a lot of gold just to live
There’s one that was built in 1920s and still runs
Gas prices haven’t gone up quite as much as expected which signals lower demand. Potentially due to economic uncertainty.
We all love cheap gas, but cheap gas isn’t a sign of a strong economy.
Day 1.
That will be another fraud where the money ends up in his 'friends' pockets for now, ready for a rainy day.
It’s been dropping all week
Anyone seeing anything that’s going help prop up the dollar?
Oh, wait....