So I guess the next brilliant Art of the Deal move from the guy who bankrupted casinos is to give Europe as many reasons as possible not to buy weapons systems from US companies right after the EU announced an intent to spent nearly a trillion more on defense.
(for an Extra Fee, of course 🤑)
That's already reality.
I'm pretty sure every procurement department in Europe is now reviewing their portfolio of orders.
Hell will freeze over before Europe will trust US again - especially regarding anything in relation to our continental security. NEVER again!!!
when you're smiling...🎶
Unless...they're actually trying to destroy the country.
In that case it would be self defense if someone or some entity were to eliminate the problem. Patriotic duty, actually.
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
Wouldn't be the first time.
You can't make this shit up.
Canada has an order in for F35 jets. But The Orange Anus can have them shut down remotely on a whim.
Shall we trust the guy who wants to invade us or buy from Europe?
Tim Nice but Dim.
Members of the Axis of Evil seem to kind of know that they can't trust one-another, but always follow the money.
All the world's bad guys wanted the US to withdraw from the world for the past 80 years. Trump has finally given it to them at the expense of US economic benefits.
Trump is a foreign agent.
—And it's hard to leave any cult.
Putin gets Europe
Xi Jinping gets Asia
#buyeuropean #europefirst
Or, it Putin is the brain behind his actions, there may be some element of multi-dimensional chess.
However I've recently listened to a major military industry conference in Poland - 'safety of supply chain' was a key feature and this excludes US industry from numerous future deals.
*38°53′52″N 77°02′11″W*
Tell me, would they then be in this same positioning???
*50°27′N 30°30′E*
What's the bet the Swedes re-engine with Eurojet.
The US is going to get exactly what we deserve for electing Trump.
They are also cutting workforce at social security which could also soon crash it. That is their plan to let it collapse from within so they can get rid of it. Skum is behind it calling it a Ponzi scheme.
But really just mental.
Turns out testing down industries raises unemployment
Given the percentage of European equipment in US hardware (100 parts alone from Denmark in the F35), it might not have been such a bright idea to screw UA
I think we're seeing that with Ukraine.
In the end, the US is going to be the one with no cards
And only cares about what puts money in his own pocket.
In everything he says, he's looking for someone to praise him or pay him.
No longer.
Just bought my first foreign SUV and not going back.
What the actual fuck.
We're gonna need more Pirates Ron and a bigger boat.
Also weapons made from vibes or from chap gpt instructions bc they cut research off
They are going to think more about Trust a Bully.
really uck the economy
US suffering under 'Trusk', maybe prevents germans voting nazis.
There will be a ~civil war~ til summer > see Belarus.
Therefore I think the American military industrial complex is very vulnerable to hacking by these same self-serving billionaires and other hackers.
American war fighting capabilities are vulnerable.
Tech always builds back doors.
And he's done it in the context of a bitter, existing war in Europe.
Everything is going to be AI. They’ll need a few per diem “consultants” to go in and tweak things every once in a while. But other than a few per diem workers who get no benefits & get paid only if they get called in, no humans will be necessary
If AI does become the threat some predict, and they are teaching their AI to be like them, they are in trouble along with the rest of us.
I guess you STEAL all the money until there's nothing left to pay out to the winners.............
Dow Futures Tumble 500 Points on Recession Fears.
Fascist Fox Media:
DEI and Bad Decision by Franklin Roosevelt Create Dip Buying Opportunities for Be Best People.
Lots of upset US defence companies. I wonder what they will do? Trump might want to reduce his golf outings. Just saying
Yes. I know.
Nobody with a real need will buy a complex or unique US weapon: you can’t be on the 📞 or 📺 ass-kissing for the weapon to work while your 🏡 ‘s being invaded.