All makes sense when you find out that 54% of american ADULTS read at a grade six (6) level or lower. Read that again and then read it out loud to the ones that can’t read.
If we get $5000 checks from the government “savings”, I’m sending mine to a federal worker that got fired for it. It’s blood money. Besides, how is it saving money if you turn right around and spend it on something else? That is not money “saved”, it’s crumbs to shut people up.
After getting rid of Facebook I hadn’t realized they really thought they were getting those checks. I did a quick search and found multiple stories on them. None said how unlikely it was they’d ever be issued.
Someone deep in a red state posted about this recently. They actually believe they are going to get 5k to 8k checks from all the “waste” that was “found.” Amazing to be able to be that disconnected from reality.
I truly believe that that is why they voted for him because during the pandemic he gave out checks, it’s sad really that they need 5000 dollars that badly to be taken advantage of.
And Trump put his name on the checks, and a lot of people remembered. Biden, overestimating the reasoning ability of voters, refused to stoop to that level, and that was a mistake.
My dad is ultra conservative. He's absolutely terrible with money. He always wanted to "look" like a well off conservative man (more than just money he's a cliche). Donates a ton to the GOP. He can't get a good job anymore and his house is being foreclosed on.
If you want to parse geography, individual votes in both red and blue states are virtually worthless, while votes in purple states count way more. But on the whole, morons’ votes count as much as the votes of thoughtful, informed voters.
The pay and benefits of EVERY federal worker comes out to an average of less than $4k per taxpayer. So if we fire 3 million people, tanking the economy, we could each save an average of $325 a month. But, catch-22, who would write the checks?
True. Add to that the cutting of Medicaid and potentially crippling of social security benefits and we’re talking real societal breakdown. Their attempt to spin the absolute disaster that will come will be interesting. How much maga will swallow I don’t know but I’m guessing a lot.
Do we know that they’re NOT getting checks? Trump would have no problem growing the deficit to write targeted checks to whoever he needs to support him (bribes). He bought off farmers after his policies hurt them his first term. He’ll certainly do that again.
I saw somewhere that if you even believed what they claimed they have saved in fraud and efficiency, that the checks would actually figure out to $1.47 each, not $5000. Gullibility runs deep in these suckers. 🙄
My maga sil has sneered at me that she knows I'll cash the checks he sends even if I hate him. So im a hypocrite, apparently. She thinks she is smart and knows more than I do. I have had to quit speaking to her. Her brain is mush.
I am always amazed when a MAGA person realizes that Donald Trump is a conman who lies…but doesn’t accept it - like “he would never lie to me, it must be 5D Chess” and it starts creeping in that it’s just that he’s a liar.
I'll just never forget when CBS This Morning was interviewing people and this woman was yelling at her husband saying "he thinks he's gonna get another stimey!" and then she'd roll her eyes because she knew we wouldn't.
The only people who would believe Any of the statements posted above would also be the ones running around saying this as well…and yes, in South Park the people saying this phrase were the dumbest of dumb 😁😅
I am guessing the Maga comments are: just wait and see. Give him time he has only been in office for a few weeks. In 6 months, the comments will be the same. In a year, the same. Moving the goal posts as always.
My cousin and I got into an argument about DOGE. Him: they found billions in fraud. Me: where is the proof. Him: they have only been in office a few weeks, give them time to generate reports. Me: then how do you know they found so much fraud? Just cuz they said it doesn’t make it true. Him: crickets
Like how were they gonna cut you a check when the same clowns said that Soc Sec and Medicare were wasteful and were slashing those programs?!? Propaganda is strong on the right
To my untrained eye, it appears that MAGA's distrust of career politicians has driven it to elect and then reelect a career liar who knows zip point shit about politics.
I just looked up his profile on twitter. This guy's not normal. Maybe even schizophrenic. Or maybe he's just putting on a show; I don't know, but very bizarre.
It would seem reality is seeping into that person stupid Lenin, Mao Republicans GOP Felon Rapist Donald. 77 Million people decided to cut their own throats.
Find your protests! Make your posters! Take some friends! WE CAN DO THIS!!! It takes all of us! "If we don't fight like hell, we won't have a country anymore"! Sounds eerily familiar doesn't it! TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK FROM THE CORRUPT OLIGARCHS NOW!
It’s all 2 weeks away. Just like his Health Care plan. Y’all sold your souls thinking you’d get 5k checks?
Not surprised, given you’re all dumb as dog shit & bigoted assholes. 🙄
Some friends showed up at his Orlando office to talk to his staff and found the place locked up with all the lights off. Middle of the day, middle of the week. One of the largest urban areas in the state. He is not serving his constituents AT ALL!
And you are right. I shouldn’t be discouraging people from resisting.
I just really fucking hate that guy, because he is very much only concerned about his money.
I wonder if we’ll see another rash of MAGA family annihilators when people realize the truth, as we did in 2021. Is anyone taking bets on how many? I’d sign up for draftking or whatever for bets like that.
Apparently, Russia bought a president. It would seem a domestic enemy, who took the oath of office is destroying our country by not supporting the Constitution or the rule of law.
And Republicans don't dare say anything. Cowards.
Yes, but IMO Reagan started the swing away from reality-based policies that were, in most cases, intended to benefit most Americans to one that was explicitly built on deception (trickle-down economics) and meant to exclusively benefit the rich.
Tell me your priorities and I'll tell you if you deserve to be lied to, to be used, to lose everything. These ignorant tribalists, these hack-kneed racists, incels, and bro-boys deserve all the lies. Unfortunately, the rest of us don't deserve their fate, yet we're being fed their fate.
Remember when Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty of sex with all those underage girl?
Epstein Men are far too rich & powerful to be held accountable for crimes against children, trafficked by Epstein. It’s useful they are blackmailed by Donald Trump to do Putin’s bidding. #FBIHoneypotLies
What happened to the Epstein tapes?
Epstein “died” under Trump’s watch.
Where are the videotapes?
✅ Only one woman arrested, convicted, for an airliner filled with men on their way to have sex with underage girls trafficked by Epstein.
Not one man has been arrested for this.
So you are saying there are stupid zombies out among us…and? Let them be Ron…how are we going to make it through the next 4 years? I know we have zombies among us
The DEA & FBI arrested 9 migrants today.
Poor souls.
I'm sure the feds have nothing better to do in the corrupt as hell state of Alabama where the AG is openly politically prosecuting Black Dem politicians and their families.
All the civil rights violations & police abuse/corruption - never a peep.
I think they were just as stupid if they believed they were getting anything on that list, advanced stupid if they actually believed they were getting everything on that list.
That's what he claimed the 2001 checks were from even if they were not. He campaigned on it in 2000. Said that if the government makes money, it over taxed and the surplus should go back to the people.
From what I recall, what we got was called a stimulus plan. Early 2008. The checks were a desperate and unsuccessful attempt to stimulate the economy and ward off the recession that indeed followed. There were also addl bus tax writeoffs and attempts at housing rescue via Fannie Mae in the bill.
Wait for it!
"Truth Seeker" has become "Truth Found Out"
The height of brilliance.
He probably believed the 5k.
CA 39,5million ppl - 54 electoral votes ~ 731k ppl represented vote
ID+MT+WY+SD+ND ~5million ppl - 17 electoral votes ~ 300k ppl represented per vote
Oh, and society would crumble. That, too.
Didn't find one legit one.
Misogyny too.
Why are my relatives/friends/workers being deported?
Why did I lose my job?
The most credulous (I am being generous) electorate that ever lived. No wonder scammers like to target Americans. They’re such an easy mark.
More like lie swallower
Who could've seen *that* coming?
Anyone going to tell him
And on
And on
So the country would still be in the same position, but the government would be sharing the wealth amongst them...?
There's a word for that, "S______ism" 😂
The check of my life savings cleared but my bridge hasn’t been delivered yet…?
😆You were hoodwinked by a conman.
😂You were hoodwinked by a conman.
🤣And, You were hoodwinked by a conman.
Find your protests! Make your posters! Take some friends! WE CAN DO THIS!!! It takes all of us! "If we don't fight like hell, we won't have a country anymore"! Sounds eerily familiar doesn't it! TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK FROM THE CORRUPT OLIGARCHS NOW!
Suckers are being birthed daily
Not surprised, given you’re all dumb as dog shit & bigoted assholes. 🙄
We'll get the "freedom" cities, but no cool cybernetics.
How about this fraudster?
He’s not answering calls nor holding town halls. Join us to demand his resignation!
He works for us and we demand to be heard.
If he had any kind of concern past himself he would have stepped up or stepped down long before now.
He’s not holding town halls either.
This is a mechanism to develop a collective voice and let him know we are not backing down.
I just really fucking hate that guy, because he is very much only concerned about his money.
And Republicans don't dare say anything. Cowards.
It took 30 years but it worked.
All this is happening, and they want to know about The Diddy files?
Somebody better check somebody's hard drive for sure
The Diddy files?
Epstein Men are far too rich & powerful to be held accountable for crimes against children, trafficked by Epstein. It’s useful they are blackmailed by Donald Trump to do Putin’s bidding. #FBIHoneypotLies
Epstein “died” under Trump’s watch.
Where are the videotapes?
✅ Only one woman arrested, convicted, for an airliner filled with men on their way to have sex with underage girls trafficked by Epstein.
Not one man has been arrested for this.
What Happened to your Retirement???
Anything Trump said or did before then, never happened.
That includes hanging around with Epstein 20 years & saying in an interview that Epstein was "a terrific guy"
Not just by waiting 2 years and hoping some of them get voted out?
"OH, look. They found money in the waste, and they're going to share it with us."
No one that has a brain cell actually would believe this!
Didn't even bother to adjust for inflation. People got fooled in 1935 dollars.
Poor souls.
I'm sure the feds have nothing better to do in the corrupt as hell state of Alabama where the AG is openly politically prosecuting Black Dem politicians and their families.
All the civil rights violations & police abuse/corruption - never a peep.
Every time I have thought “nobody can be this dumb,” the universe has responded with, “lol hold my beer.”
Of course they were/are that stupid and will continue to be that way.