He has instead betrayed Ukraine & traumatized them while remaining silent on Putin's defiance of not signing the peace deal. Whatever Putin wants, peace isn't it. If it was, he wouldn't still be attacking cities in Ukraine. https://youtu.be/KfijTwMIrEI
Trump's plan has always been to hand Ukraine over to Russia which he no doubt will. Guess his horde of evil sycophants advised him it wouldn't look good to do it on day one.
Trump’s shakedown tactics have everything to do with accommodating psychopaths.
As a nihilistic creep, he doesn’t give a crap about anything of value, particularly innocent lives or democracy.
He’s using that new fangled way to measure one calendar day like his minions did to avoid voting to cancel the chump tariffs. 53 actual days equals one republican day.
At least eggs are "like no one has seen them before" 🥚
There was a saying in Ukraine and likely Russia, calling out reactionary politicians, who were pushing the narratives, how great the Soviet Union was:
"Freedom in exchange for sausage".
The big test for Trump is how to spin it when Putin doesn’t play ball, clearly he’ll want to blame UKr but if Zelensky is smart Trump will find that difficult.
Senators Murkowski and Sullivan, ensure that Trump has no plans to give Alaska back to Putin. Unite Democrats and Republicans to stand firm in protecting Alaska's future.
Well, at least he's a little behind Hitler's record for constitutional destruction, then. It took der Furher 53 days to undo the German constitution. The US has some pieces of our document intact.
Soooo.... isn't it about time every "reputable" media outlet within the US actually rubs that in his face? Every allied nation worldwide are all watching for such & any failure to deliver further exposes the mythology of US supremacy on the world stage.
"Poland has had 18 wars with Russia over the last 500 years. The best peace we made was the one after we had occupied Moscow for a year." - R.Giertych https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shuysky_Tribute
I heard on my news in England that Putin had actually called to escalate the war and he’s started dressing in military attire so I don’t think he’s gonna listen to Donald, although we already knew that
Don’t forget that the war, the price of groceries would be solved in the first 24 hours of his presidency.
He has to buy a new watch.
Get him out of there
53 days and since then TRUMP has BROKEN every pact with every country in the world.
He is the aggressor, scoundrel, showing he truly is a CON artist, plying his trade.
He is the world's HUGE, BIGGEST bully out there.
The tariff terrorist is from the U$.
Can someone please keep track of all Trump's pre-election promises vs what he actually delivered?
And don't forget the things he didn't promise but delivered anyway (such as waging war against Canada or Denmark).
He is just waiting for the right 24 hours to announce the end of the war. I misunderstood what he meant when he said he would end the war in 24 hours. My bad, but the USA dictator is a lying scumbag! UGH.
During the campaign, Trump implied that this quick resolution would come because of his great relationship to Putin. What he didn’t say is his “great relationship” meant he would demand Ukraine’s unconditional surrender.
As a nihilistic creep, he doesn’t give a crap about anything of value, particularly innocent lives or democracy.
I'll by stock in ink.
Which he allegedly did in 2017. And in 2019.
And which Biden did in 2023, and 2024 . . . So . . . No.
All lies.
Always lies!
Trump is a communist
Trump is Putin’s BITCH
There was a saying in Ukraine and likely Russia, calling out reactionary politicians, who were pushing the narratives, how great the Soviet Union was:
"Freedom in exchange for sausage".
A day on Venus is equal to 243 Earth days, so, you know ... cop the guy some slack.
but luckily the white house prethinks and packages the truth for us so we just have to listen to leavitt
idk she says things are going pretty good
He has to buy a new watch.
Get him out of there
He is the aggressor, scoundrel, showing he truly is a CON artist, plying his trade.
He is the world's HUGE, BIGGEST bully out there.
The tariff terrorist is from the U$.
And don't forget the things he didn't promise but delivered anyway (such as waging war against Canada or Denmark).
Yeah MF lied about that too.
53 times longer than he promised, now that's a missed target