Sorry my old headmaster had a dog in class. Growingup at end of the dutch biblebelt -or the beginning,who cares- opend class with prayer and ended with it; dog went crazy... out came the treats... ;p ofcourse;vet aproved treats,still funny ;guess rebellion sits in my dna :P
If we wanna go full first year of highschool level lunacy you might as well embrace it ... have each democrat take a zipper to the job. "Nope sir sorry, wasn't me" like driving a dog crazy with a hidden treat in your bag, "My Goodness how did that get here"
Do we have his attention? Don't take much to protest in the senate. Just take a zipper and let it rip each time Trump or Vance open their mouth :P All Hail Soundeffects :P
Clodhopper poetry
Cloddish philosopher performer
The people who send their spokesperson are usually sent because no one else is willing to stand in to enjoy the blowback & embarrassing themselves on stage
A little thrill of power empowers their belief structure to think wow they know stuff
Biden really shook MAGA. He is like an urban myth.Every time they are confronted with their F-ups, Biden is this invisible force they summon to define the moment, the truth. It should be a college drinking game. Every time Trump or his administration says “Biden blah blah” yell Malarkey! and chug
Your country really is being run by a bunch of fuckn children isn’t it? Are these elected government representatives and they all talk like this? It’s an embarrassment
Lets be honest. How else did she end up in the government? Even Donold just passed her now after an address when she pushes away others twice to be noticed 😂
I don’t get this chick. She really is pretty in any special way. She’s dumber than a box of rocks. How does trash line her get elected? How does trash line Marge Green get elected.
Qubert is a major ass kisser, does nothing for her voters. a waste of her states taxpayer's money. Oh, and she's the ex-wife of a sex pervert who wagged his dick at teen age girls. and she fell madly in love. got knocked up with four kids, got her GED in her late adult life after four tries.
How how how n how ?
How is it possible for a Ninken poop like this to be elected to office and repeatedly …????
It baffles me beyond belief but it is again a very telling story about the emotional and mental state of a nation …..
It's a secret code for Kid Rock
Clodhopper poetry
Cloddish philosopher performer
The people who send their spokesperson are usually sent because no one else is willing to stand in to enjoy the blowback & embarrassing themselves on stage
A little thrill of power empowers their belief structure to think wow they know stuff
You're not THAT good...!!
Internet shame is forever! I have thousands in the Trump shame file!
And horny.
or "... I gotta hand it to her ..."
I'll stop now ...
All part of the MAGA zombie cult👎😡
Oh wait, she's against DEI and for MEI. That explains it.
(i'll blame the autocorrect thais turned off for that)
She is walking irony
We could care less about her
I bet she makes a lot more money as a politician than she did as an escort.
How is it possible for a Ninken poop like this to be elected to office and repeatedly …????
It baffles me beyond belief but it is again a very telling story about the emotional and mental state of a nation …..
Sound advice.
A Cumlinguist?
A Cum-rag?
A Cumrad?
A Cun...🤔🤔t🤔🤔?
I think there's a t somewhere in that last one...
and she blew it.
the most likely
to succseed by her
GED class.