One enemy is your enemy openly but the other enemy is your enemy in secret This other enemy approaches you as your friend, but in reality he is your enemy.
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One always has enemies so long as their subconscious mind is not under their conscious control. Rulers of all kinds are reifications of unknown and uncontrolled aspects of ourselves.
Tyrants within, tyrants without. Peace within, Peace without.
My name is abeer
I'm mother of 3 albinism children
from Gaza Palestine 🇵🇸
My children have been struggling with Visual Impairments since birth and my sons want medical care
Donate💲 what you can or repost🔃" #gaza #helpme
My enemy knows that I am his enemy, however my other enemy I pretend that I am not his enemy. This other enemy I approach wirh caution knowing that he is my enemy so the enemy doesn't know. (That keeping an enemy close controls the surprise element of peace or an attack.)
And in a state of not knowing, we have to be very careful to keep our wits about us so we don’t gaslight ourselves into a state of non-reality. This after all is how QAnon was born.
It's like this: Everyone wants something from someone else. If they want it bad enough, they will betray anyone to get it. Be mindful of what everyone around you does.
“A false friendship will burn bright for five days, and fade out on the sixth. An authentic friendship is one forged with sincerity and depth, and will endure for a lifetime" (Hávamál, ca 900 AD, Iceland)
..Many of these old Icelandic words of wisdom "from Odin" are brilliant, as compassionate as their Christian successors and far less naive. Was yours a quote from the quran?
And you should always recognize that friend enemy that approaches you will have a smile that you recognize is Really evil. I believe you should always watch what people say and what people do because consistency shows you who they really are. Your friend or your enemy.
We’re becoming a world of sociopaths. A Pakistani business associate once told me that one of the big differences between Pakistan and the USA is that in the USA we value life… I think we’ve become more like Pakistan.
One enemy is your enemy (Republicans) openly but the other enemy (Democrats) is your enemy in secret This other enemy approaches you as your friend, but in reality he is your enemy.
EXACTLY why we need more Progressives in all levels of government from city, country, state, and federal.
We need to reframe the conversation from “republicans v democrats” to “Haves v HaveNots”. I know which group I’m in, and if we are going to escape this broligarchical, monopoly mafia that is taking shape, then we need to stand together when the dinner bell is finally rung. #stayhungrymyfriends 🍽️
And wants you buy Crypto, send them a digital gaming card to have a beer, is a recruiter for the Illuminati, a former lotto winner. Beware wolves in sheep's clothing. Some of us wolves like we are finding in nature keep the habitat in balance and are beneficial. Thanks for the ❤️ on my Chef comment.
Enemies of mine enemies are never our friends.
Keep at arms length.
Monitor always.
Do not trust.
Block liars.
No need we all know 🐂 💩 when we hear 💩.
Tyrants within, tyrants without. Peace within, Peace without.
I'm mother of 3 albinism children
from Gaza Palestine 🇵🇸
My children have been struggling with Visual Impairments since birth and my sons want medical care
Donate💲 what you can or repost🔃" #gaza #helpme
to undermine
people in power
the enemy of my enemy.
Is just another enemy.
EXACTLY why we need more Progressives in all levels of government from city, country, state, and federal.
Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
But sometimes the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy who is just pretending to be my friend.
Constellations of enemies aren't always bilateral. Multilateral conflicts abound.
Keep at arms length.
Monitor always.
Do not trust.
Block liars.
No need we all know 🐂 💩 when we hear 💩.