До речі, він якось казав, що добре було б, щоб ОП долавало англ. субтитри до звернень Зеленського, бо він їх перекладає і викладає на каналі. Я не перевіряв їх наявність, але як їх там нема, то було б гарно організувати звернення на цю тему до ОП.
З понеділка хочу зайнятись цим
Okay вибачте, я не пишу все на українська зараз, дуже втомвисья.
They do subtitle all the nightly speeches in English, about an hour after the Ukrainian version. They do not do press conferences or things like talks to university students. This is why I do my best to subtitle them myself.
It's good. I'm just talking about the fact that if you start doing something, you need to know what to say specifically.
Where specifically(!) is the problem that needs to be solved.
I did not mean that you are lying, if you mean it 😅
I'm absolutely serious. I know I make a few mistakes but they don't have anyone at all doing it now. YouTube autogenerated subtitles are really bad. They should be worried that someone will misunderstand him.
If you know anyone there, or have a way for me to contact them, I definitely will.
I am serious that I would volunteer for the OP. When they do translations they are obviously just using Google translate or something and it often does not sound natural, or they are using words in the wrong context. For example, this is the wrong tone.
Seems like you're already our ambassador to the English language metacluster and you might get a Ukrainian cluster resident status soon if we pull you a bit closer 😊
Добра мережа блускай. На мою думку, найкраща в інтернеті. А знаєте чому?
Нема ніякого кацапського слова, ха! Ні, сер, жодного нікчемного кацапського слова! Жоднісінького!
З понеділка хочу зайнятись цим
They do subtitle all the nightly speeches in English, about an hour after the Ukrainian version. They do not do press conferences or things like talks to university students. This is why I do my best to subtitle them myself.
Where specifically(!) is the problem that needs to be solved.
I did not mean that you are lying, if you mean it 😅
If you know anyone there, or have a way for me to contact them, I definitely will.
Я здала державний іспит з української на 199 балів із 200 і як все рівно роблю помилки, це нормально!
Нема ніякого кацапського слова, ха! Ні, сер, жодного нікчемного кацапського слова! Жоднісінького!