“VDT (Video Display Terminal) use has been linked to various ailments and injuries, including eye strain and RSI, or repetitive strain injury, which results in pain and numbness of joints.”
"Proponents had agreed in 1990 to significantly weaken the law in order to quell opposition from major business interests, which warned that the law might cost them tens of millions of dollars."
"Cases of occupational illnesses due to repetitive strain increased from 45,000 in 1986 to 185,000 in 1990, the most recent year for which federal data is available. Among American office workers, the rate of those illnesses more than doubled between 1989 and 1990."
damn what a great idea. when i went to the eye doctor for my screen related eye problems she said she’s getting like toddlers in now with chronic dry eye from screens 😣
The law was overturned in Feb. 1992. Large firms, including IBM, payed the plaintiffs legal fees.