"Mr. Kamisato, welcome to Liyue," Baizhu replied respectfully as the commissioner left his ship, "I am Dr. Baizhu, Ms. Keqing asked me to meet you. A few things came up but she'll be along later to meet with you personally."
"Mr. Kamisato, welcome to Liyue," Baizhu replied respectfully as the commissioner left his ship, "I am Dr. Baizhu, Ms. Keqing asked me to meet you. A few things came up but she'll be along later to meet with you personally."
He furthered the introduction with a deep bow, rising slowly.
"Is a checkup needed, sensei?"
"Are you feeling unwell, Mr. Kamisato, or were you injured on the trip over?"
Ayato then considered his current feeling. He surely felt fine.
"Perhaps a bit tired. However I before setting off I did experience a slight headache."