I created Siva was when I was a new fire LT. In fire, we preserve all lives as much as we can, but part of your role as an officer is to make sure your team gets out before you do. If anyone is going down, it's you.
This responsibility was heavy on my mind when I fleshed out her personality.
This responsibility was heavy on my mind when I fleshed out her personality.
When a party member got nabbed into a secret lab and replaced with a double, Siva noticed immediately, tracked her, and kicked the door down. She also deflected a boulder "the size of a house."
This fed into how she was already prone to valuing her own life less than that of others, and her tendency to be too self-sacrificing.
But he was also just a jolly, honorable guy whom she respected a lot.
He was the DPS and she was the tank. They were the party's sword and shield, and also best buddies.
They finally got together after YEARS, but then Siva broke up with him out of nowhere.
Before the final fight, she left a note in his room.
Siva decided to prioritize one thing she wanted for herself: Gor'rhan, and they ended the story married with 4 children.
Yes, Gor'rhan was played by my BF. No, we don't keep doing this on purpose.