Yes they are but one can dream can’t he? Probably will take him two or three years to make a real impact. However he should be able to make the team next year and fill out the top 6 nicely.
You can. I can. But fans in Montreal have a history of turning dreams into nightmares.
If ID91 shows up and doesn’t have the impact people are building up in their heads, what will that look like? Will it be similar to what’s going on with KD77 right now?
It certainly would be nightmarish. However if the ‘experts’ are correct I can’t see that happening. Most people in the know say he’s a better player than Mitchkov and look at what he’s doing with the Flyers. So assuming he’s given the proper line mates he should be ok.
Listen, I agree with you. Everything points to ID91’s being a star in the NHL. But he wouldn’t be the first projected star not to make it - or not be great immediately.
If he’s not great immediately, how long will it take for the typical Habs fan to turn on him.
If ID91 shows up and doesn’t have the impact people are building up in their heads, what will that look like? Will it be similar to what’s going on with KD77 right now?
That would be a nightmare.
If he’s not great immediately, how long will it take for the typical Habs fan to turn on him.
Expectations are dangerous.