Did y'all hear about Elon Musk new $2 BILLION FAA contract?
Conflict of interest . . .👀
Instead of Republicans taking jobs and programs away, they need to be investigating this—but OH RIGHT—they report to King Musk.
Conflict of interest . . .👀
Instead of Republicans taking jobs and programs away, they need to be investigating this—but OH RIGHT—they report to King Musk.
Not only is this corrupt but it gives Musk the terrifying power to shut off our air traffic system by disabling it on Starlink.
He did this to Ukraine- he can do it to us, too, if it pleases him.
This is a national security threat.
Fuck all.
And not a peep.
You on the hill need to do better at getting the message out to the people who need to hear it.
These antiquated democratic norms are done. Evolve.
Bernie does a better job of getting the message out. Meeting with constituents on both sides.
Day 1: (Today)-"The masks come off"—how billionaires went from shadowy string-pullers to open rulers.
Day 2 (Tomorrow)- "The Titans collide"—Trump vs. Musk, a war of greed, ego, and betrayal.
Worth a read!!
DO NOT WORK WITH THEM or risk losing UR job.
Ppl Contact ur congress m/f &senator. INSIST they DO NOT vote2 pass the spending bill, extension OR anything else. LET the gov't shut down by 🍊 hands. Yes, we'll all suffer, but non maga R voters need 2 feel pain.
That is scarier than “conflict of interest “.
For fucks sake we've heard about this. We doom scroll every day. We get the news 24/7.
We don't need congress to be a news agency.
We need congress to do its job.
Start town halls. The GOP is too scared to anymore. This is your chance. Get angry with the people.
Just stop with the news!
That’s what they say to us
But behind closed doors
They know this shit’s a mess
Keep doing your thing
Representative crocket
Let’s put all these clowns
On top of a rocket!
#resist #barsnotwsrs
Conflicto de interés…
En lugar de que los republicanos eliminen empleos y programas, deberían estar investigando esto, pero AH, CLARO… ellos le rinden cuentas al Rey Musk.”
They don't care about:
They care about:
✅Consolidating Power
For what?
👇Read More👇 #BeRelentless
#GOPforSale #CorruptionFirst
Elon Musk being the long-fabled Welfare Queen? My jaw is firmly in place as he gets $8 Million a day fromTaxpayers.
I hope everyone is angry.
Shouldn’t our military leaders identify this attack on our democracy, institutions, and constitution which they have sworn to defend and eliminate these threats??
This is beyond apparent. It’s blatant. It’s obvious. It’s purposeful. It direct.
Republicans with Hunters laptop 🤬
Republicans with Musk GIVING HIMSELF billion dollar contacts 🧑🦯
Planes should fly in straight lines…!
Elon Musk - $2b United States taxes - $0
Make these garbage people own this travesty of a Republican led government.
Y’all need to open an investigation
Isn’t it self-dealing at this point?
As if billionaire grifters would fix the system that made them billionaires in the first place. Lol
Federal reserve, Fannie May, Freddie Mac to be privatized in addition
Follow progress here on all things that in works. I’m sure there will be a 2025-2.0 version soon.
Musk is in bed with the worst dictators on Earth. We have to stop this.
What do we the people need to do?
You @repjasmine.bsky.social are one of the few I see fighting and saying what I am also saying.
Keep it up we need your leadership.
He thrives.
Go away.
Apr 9, 2023 Reuters reported on Musk's new Shanghai factory;
And, we heard about all the gutting of the federal departments that were directly investigating Elmo Mush and his business practices. We've all heard, and it's just getting worse!
How can we stop him?
How can we stop tRump?
How can we stop MAGAts?