There's a really ugly strain of online convo that happens on tiktok whenever the US has a natural hazard of foreigners asking why us homes are made of paper with absolutely zero understanding that us homes are made from different things at different times meeting different climate and hazard needs
But there is a simple tech solution to heatwaves that doesn’t involve rebuilding every home in the country
I am not being flippant but lots of yall are is all
You're clearly being flippent
Like you have countries that for CENTURIES have built buildings purely to insulate heat suddenly having to figure out how to vent said heat. And AC units are expensive, messy, and can put significant strain on the power grid!
My friends apartment in Chicago didn’t have ac but they would never do that in the south for instance
I think they forget the US is literally a half of a wholeass continent.
They built houses for centuries without needing to, give them some compassion and some time to adapt.
I remember tons of threads about cheap diy solutions and advice for dealing with heat.
altho i fully admit i will NEVER get used to the fact that i can't just hang a shelf whereverthefuck i want and it's a whole process with studfinders etc
Like we all have concrete and stone just waiting for us to build these imaginary fortresses... which would be terrible in summer heat.
Had a discussion about this during one of the Florida hurricanes, too.
Where do they think this stuff is coming from? The everglades?
And one of the big ones is that we have a whole lot of not-stone at the surface and for meters down.
Some people have no concept of the power of nature.
The interior shoji were more about light, heat, and air diffusion. The opaque fusuma was used when no light was needed.
Very effective solution.
Not like this, jerkoff
Maybe there's some takeaway that's hidden in there but it's gonna take too much digging
Cement didn't help - there are cement buildings wiped totally away.
Yes, the brandy was both potent and delicious.
There’s much better arguments to go to first, at least.
After my home flooded, I had to push the contractors to use more resilient materials than sheetrock.
And the folks who installed my sump pump and stormwater cistern did not think that grading and greening our garden mattered.
Have an even nicer day.
I am one of "those people", who has spent most of my life overseas and am utterly baffled, and often appalled, by the way Americans build their homes
As with water, I cannot stop my home from flooding when there is a major event, but I can reduce minor flooding and the damage in big events.
There IS a difference. if there wasn't, my own home - 75 years old - would have collapsed long ago.
Its still no excuse though.
…not giving a damn about the people who’d be living there for the next century or two!
The homeowners had no idea that they’d been screwed over like that…
…& probably didn’t know to ask about & check for such things…
…just glad they could get the house for cheap!
Most standard homes are pretty poorly constructed.
We're having more tornadoes, hurricanes, and epic flooding here, now, than the hurricanes, tornadoes, and epic flooding we used to have.