It's not just fdr. One of the things the epa did not long after it was formed was document the nation's pollution via photography. That can seem frivolous, but generations of Americans have no idea why the EPA was necessary. This broke a million views when we published it in 2017
Because the previous years, they lived in their version of the "dung era"
You'd be better off spinning it as an anti Democrat piece by claiming they were behind it.
This isn’t our elected just officials’ fight. It’s everyone’s
Every house & car tinted by the pollution (what does that do to one's pink lungs??).
I asked my dad what was happening, but I don't recall how he explained the awful mess.
(Blasé, but also "Don't retrieve you ball from there, just lay a new one".)
A surprising amount of wastewater can be cleaned for reuse in the same facility, but it is cheaper to just dump it and bring in fresh.
A lot of chemicals can be recovered and reused, but dumping is and using fresh is cheaper as well.
In the '70s I recall staying at my aunt and uncle's in Pomona -- about 35 miles closer to the mountains -- and never being able to see any portion of them for months on end because of the smog.
(this link may disappear from archives soon as well.)
Communications and outreach for agencies are often underfunded and placed under political control. Always useful to contrast with the military, which is allowed to advertise directly for recruitment purposes.
Strong regulations are essential and lifesaving.
The black sooty scars are still on the underside of bridges.
Seems like we need some leadership and some funding to get this kind of messaging in front of people again
And I don't mean trash.
I mean feces and tampons. 🤮
What is happening today with the DOGE mess is criminal and just plain sad.
1. of only 4 good things Nixon did was start the EPA 2. was get us out of Viet Nam 3. was to resign & 4. was to fucking die.
This is how far the GOP has gone off the rails.
Ever since then, the economic balance has been regularly adjusted to favour business and remove agency and opportunity for workers.
Used to be, regular people had disposable income. Not anymore.
This is the complete OPPOSITE of today.