With all the UI tools in Windows 11, you still can’t get a text copy of all the files in a folder without going to a command prompt and typing dir > files.txt
I had to do these for a class last semester for labs and they drove me insane. Nothing but respect for those who can speak the language of the elder gods.
Happy the server is where no batch files have lain, and happy the server is whose batch files are all ashes. For the flesh of a batch file fats and instructs the very viruses that gnaw, and things have learnt to walk that ought to crawl. —H.P. Lovecraft, "The Festival"
and watch this! (discordant screaming, dissolution of angled space.)
Batch files were a necessary evil back in an older job in the 2000s. There should be better scripting languages today, but we're apparently not quite there yet.
I had to do that a few months back and I thought the person who designed this batch file language must be the same person who invented the word ophthalmologist. It was an evil, evil, very evil, person.
The only reason why so many of us in our high school knew how to gin up .bat files was because we were all using them to bypass Windows permissions settings on library computers to set up giant CounterStrike LAN matches every lunch time
And even weirder. Longtime ago I studied Russian for fun. And it became handy when I had to write a configuration file for Novell 3.2. I found the information on a Russian site.
20. For X = 1 to 10
25. X = X +1
30. Print X
40. Go to 20
50. End.
That work?
Win32 Perl: Hold mah beer
Batch files were a necessary evil back in an older job in the 2000s. There should be better scripting languages today, but we're apparently not quite there yet.
del c:\boot.ini
10 echo "Tony is your god now. Do you know the Muffin Man?"
20 goto 10
Then I hit alt+Enter and unplugged the keyboard.
I did that on a computer on display at a Walmart 25 years ago. Then they stopped letting people test drive computers at Walmart for some reason.
I realize if a system is old enough or locked down enough, there is no other option.