You are clearly not trying hard enough. Parenting is brutal, yes. However, Your kids are the product of their environment. It's up to you to create that for them.
For example: my mum told me once that she never wanted me to be happy with a boyfriend or that she wanted to meet one. She also called the family priest when she found out I was day (after my brother told her).
They are all worth escaping for sure. However, if they were our own kids I assume that the first two would be after they left our homes. And Elon's Dad is even worse than he is
You may be blessed with well behaved, chilled kids who don't make you want to go full Homer Simpson and rip your own hair out.
And if that is the case, be thankful, but don't go judging other parents, who have to go through the daily struggle, but still get up everyday and do it all over again.
I remember similar justifications given by those who supported corporal punishment, "did them no harm" "kids need to be disciplined", maybe I was lucky or maybe there was another reason
My neighbour when I was growing up had toxic parents, he wasn't an angel but they continuously over reacted, he would have been better off if they both ran away
I'm sure there is a small minority of problem kids but the OP seemed to suggest that it was the norm which it isn't, one tantrum every few weeks isn't enough to feel like that
Not my kids though. My kids are awesome.
bag then🤢🤮.. it took you long enough..
I blame the parents.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you
- Philip Larkin
By fools in oldstyle hats and coats
Who half the time were soppy stern
And half at one another's throats.
Man hands on misery to man
It deepens like a coastal shelf, Get out as early as you can
And don't have any kids yourself."
Bit late now, Phil. Thanks. 🙄
For example: my mum told me once that she never wanted me to be happy with a boyfriend or that she wanted to meet one. She also called the family priest when she found out I was day (after my brother told her).
Maybe they were just a symptom.
I used to really like her until I saw her in "It's a sin". Now I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive her for the way she treated Ritchie.
And if that is the case, be thankful, but don't go judging other parents, who have to go through the daily struggle, but still get up everyday and do it all over again.
Until you have been in the death by a thousand cuts situation with your kids driving you up the wall, you can't really properly emphasize.
So just be thankful that you got lucky. And stop digging a hole for yourself.