Each of the member playlists is between 2-3h long. The order you go in is up to you:
- Classic fanchant order
- maknae line one day + hyung line the next
- in the order of most recent releases
- in order of least to most streamed member
✨️It's up to you✨️
Each of the member playlists is between 2-3h long. The order you go in is up to you:
- Classic fanchant order
- maknae line one day + hyung line the next
- in the order of most recent releases
- in order of least to most streamed member
✨️It's up to you✨️
Try our overnight playlist for the day✨️
It's 7h long and has 2× of each members most recent album 💪 it's great for wanting to hear a bit of everything
✅️ Interact at least every 2-3h by skipping/liking a song or adding to the queue
✅️ Have the volume on at least 50% if you can (you can use headphones)
✅️ Enjoy yourself!! Streaming should work around your life 💜