Not even 1/3 of U.S. voters support Russia.
Read about the REPUBLICAN poll results that shared on his podcast.
“71% said they're more likely to support aid for Ukraine when told Russia had kidnapped more than 19,000 Ukrainian children.
And those are the Republicans.”
The world is waiting for you to do something to get him out of there, he’s the biggest threat to world survival. As an American expat in Canada I know better. You won’t do anything.
I'm so sorry. I've suffered with depression in the past and my heart goes out to you. I hope you're able to find some peace and comfort especially during these difficult times. I know it's not easy. Sending hugs.
We know there are large pockets of sanity in the USA. Sadly your orange leader couldn’t care less about the rest of the world (Russia excluded of course). I look forward to a time when I can buy something made in the US…looks like in about four years at best. Hopefully sanity returns.
He might not speak for all of you, but he's sure as shit using your national identity to run up the moral credit card debt. Eventually, the bill has to be paid regardless of which team hosted this shit show. Sorry, but the rest of the world needs to take him seriously because your voters didn't.
I wish your congress was as conscientious as you and the millions like you. I'm appalled at watching your lawmakers litigating instead of governing. Especially since it's common knowledge, your judiciary is compromised from the top down.
Just the ignorant, hate filled 1/3rd of us!
Read about the REPUBLICAN poll results that shared on his podcast.
“71% said they're more likely to support aid for Ukraine when told Russia had kidnapped more than 19,000 Ukrainian children.
And those are the Republicans.”
Let's Follow her on Bluesky 🦋
and send her our Best Wishes Solidarity with President Zelensky his Family & the Brave People of Ukraine
I wish he he would just go TF away!